Porno: Perbedaan revisi

Dari Yasunli Enterprise Software
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Переодевание в женское<br>Однажды,  [ Sister] когда мне было 18, я познакомился с парнем в инете. Он был общительный и мы долго переписывались прежде чем встретиться. Мы встретились вечером в моем районе. Он заехал за мной на красном спортивном Опеле. Мы катались, а потом он позвал меня попариться в сауну. Мы сняли VIP кабинет с двумя парилками, джакузи, довольно большим бассейном в большой студии-холле, где мы присели на кожаные диваны. Егор был веселым парнем, с виду лет 30, лысым, крепким, сложенным брюнетом с легкой щетиной и огромной цепочкой на шее. Я же — напротив высоким, но худеньким парнем с прической а-ля Хэлли Берри и округлой попкой. Легкий пушок на висках — единственная растительность что успела появиться к тому времени. Всегда мечтал попробовать секс с парнем но до этого у меня были только игры с разными предметами) Итак, выпив по бутылке пива, мы отправились в парилку, раздеваясь я немного стеснялся, и Егор помог мне. Снимая с меня штаны он провел рукой по моей ягодице. В парилке Егор положил меня на полку лицом вниз и сделал мне очень приятный расслабляющий массаж, от чего я окончательно успокоился и даже немного тихонько постонал когда он массировал мои ягодицы и между них с маслом. Когда мы вышли из парилки в холл я прыгнул в бассейн а он пошел за стол. Когда я вышел, меня ждал сюрприз. Он дал мне красивый черный купальник в стиле мини-бикини и водостойкие тени для глаз. Я одел купальник и намазал тени и мне очень понравилось то что я увидел. Бикини подчеркивали округлости моей попки,  [ Анал] верх приятно облегал, а тени полностью изменили мой вид! Егор позвал меня к себе и рассевшись поудобней в кресле откинул полотенце с паха. Я сел перед ним на коленки и поцеловал ствол его члена. Он был большим для меня. В рот поместилась только головка его вставшего члена. Я начал двигать головой выделяя слюну для смазки. Мне нравился его гладкий член, яички и пах. Я целовал везде. Он достал член из моего рта и постучал мне по щекам. Он с подбородка доставал мне до глаза. Потом он снова погрузил его и начал двигать им в моем рту. Я заметил что он зашел на половину. Потом взял меня на руки, положил на диван на бочок и прилег сзади. Отодвинув край трусиков, Он смазал обильно мою попку и свой член и аккуратно ввел его в меня. Медленно продвигаясь под мое «подожди, не надо» он достиг половинки и сказал что я должен привыкнуть к этому ощущению. Прошло несколько секунд прежде чем он стал продвигаться еще глубже и замерев начал двигаться. Я потихоньку привыкал и наконец почувствовал то ощущение что меня так возбуждало с игрушками. Он стал двигаться быстрее и вдруг вошел в меня полностью. Мне стала очень больно и я закричал. Егор закрыл мне рот рукой и начал стонать в то время как его крепкий ствол судорожно дергался и я чувствовал теплые удары спермы внутри себя. Он кончал очень долго а в конце начал медленно двигаться заходя очень глубоко и вытаскивая член почти полностью. Он вынул член и встал а я лежал закрыв глаза. Чувство боли и удовольствия боролись в области простаты. Вдруг я почувствовал запах спермы и открыв глаза увидел его все еще крепкий член. Он хотел войти в рот но я закрыл его. Он настаивал и двигал по губам головкой. Он пах приятно и я открыв рот принял его на половину. По просьбе Егора я сжал губы и снял слой спермы с поверхности его члена. Он стал продвигаться глубже, вызвав рвотный рефлекс но остановился и немного погодя продолжил «погружение». Было тяжело но он ввел его почти полностью я еле сдерживался а он немного подвигал им в глубине моего горла. Потом он вынул член, поднял и бросил меня в бассейн и прыгнув ко мне потянул к себе. Его член стоял как кол. Красавчик поднял меня на руки обняв спереди и направив в попку член вошел в хорошо смазанную спермой попку. В воде я был очень легким и стоя он трахал меня минут 10. Он резко вводил его ы выходя поднимал меня выше, опять с размаху заходил полностью и поднимал. Я был поражен его мощью! Вся эта обстановка меня очень возбуждала. Я выглядел как настоящая девушка, слабая и беззащитная, а крепкий парень уверенно брал меня в ваде бассейна. Мой маленький член терся между нашими телами и был готов кончить. Внезапно Егор остановился,  [ Pige] уложил меня грудью на бортик бассейна и вошел сзади. Мой член свободно болтался в воздухе. Он взял меня за стройную талию и грубо вошел до конца, мне опять стало больно. Выйдя он опять с силой загнал его полностью и снова вышел. Егор стал яростно двигаться во мне заходя полностью а его большие яйца стукались об мой крепкий член. Мне было больно не долго, скоро я привык к толчкам и меня начали разрывать ощущения от его мощных движений и его яичек. Я стал кончать... Капли спермы брызгали прямо в воду бассейна. Я так сильно был напряжен что когда кончил почти отключился но через пару секунд Егор перевернул меня и поднявшись над моим лицом стал кончать мне на глаза, щеки, губы. Брызги спермы с силой ударяли в меня а Егор двигал рукой по стволу своего пениса. Он стал вводить его в рот и смазывать туда всю сперму. Я подчинялся, он заслужил это! Он вводил член полностью и я терпел. Взяв меня за голову он двигал своим членом внутри меня входя полностью я захлебывался спермой и слюнями. Достав член он постучал им по моему лицу, а я добравшись до дивана полежал 10 мин растерзанный моим первым любовником в черном купальничке запачканном белыми каплями и с ощущением оттраханой попки. Мои ноги онемели. Спустя полчаса мы привели себя в порядок и он отвез меня домой. Это было классно.
If a friend happens to have a sudden...<br>I want to share my story. For a very long time I wanted to forget about it, then somehow I got over it, and now, when I have been married for a long time and will soon have a second child, I even like it. All this happened at the height of the 90's, when I was studying at the second faculty at the Institute of Physical Education. I lived in a hostel, as I came from a small town to the capital of the region. The country was in a state known to everyone, but besides hunger, crisis and unemployment, the whole sex thing started. By the way, we shared a room, four of us, counting me. All from the countryside, all pumped up, dark, crazy. And we didn't know about sex, and all the things that came to our country from abroad with it. And here we are in our second year. We're sitting around doing some shit. Suddenly there was a ruckus in the dorm: a student from abroad brought some stuff. We didn't go, we knew he'd come and sell it to us. So he came, we thought he'd sell clothes. But he suddenly pulls out a box with a naked woman on it and shakes it: Here's what you want! Porn! We don't really get it, of course. He starts explaining to us what's in there and how. My boys and I listened so much that we got aroused (we were all in shorts, because the Institute of Physical Education, so you could see how the men stood up). In short, we shuffled around, scraped it up, and gave almost all of it away. There is also a problem: what to look at? We went and borrowed the player for a packet of macaroni, we were very impatient. We switched on porn, not yet fully understanding what it is. Then on the screen appeared some [ bitch] with the third size of breasts and started greedily caressing her hairy pussy, moaning loudly and stroking her tits. Suddenly, all four shafts, as if on cue, almost ripped through the shorts. The slut continued to greedily fondle herself, and we gradually and involuntarily began to encompass our rock-hard cocks. Then all of us quickly threw off our shorts and started jerking off. I remember how greedily I was driving my giant, exhausted with the desire to put this blonde in. The guys did not lag behind, and in some ways succeeded. And here the beauty is already all sweaty, and I am high from a wild orgasm and ready to launch a projectile of sperm, but then suddenly everything is switched off. Either because of the player or because of the disc, but there's nothing. This is where we felt the worst bummer of our lives. Meanwhile, all the guys were getting turned on and were about to reach a delightful orgasm. We looked at each other, at the instruments, and again at us. Our eyes read: Where do we put all this heat? There was only one way out. I had never had gay fantasies before, but I had always noted handsome men among men, guided by my taste. And when I went to physical education, with us in the dormitory settled, as for me, just a standard of beauty. His name was Nikita, he was a year younger than me, he had simply gorgeous musculature, but he was extremely thin. He later reminded me of such an actor from porn, who plays a guy who looks at the cheating and takes part. I always forget the name. And  [ Оргия] considering this fact, plus all my sexual excitement, plus the fact that he was sitting right next to me, plus the fact that he had the biggest cock in the company, I instantly wrapped my hands around his phallus and began to jerk it off intensively. The guys were watching eagerly with their jerks. After a lot of jerking off, Nikita cummed right on my face. Here I could not stop and jumped on his cock. Meanwhile, the most pumped of us, who, as it seemed to us, was just a sex giant, now modestly nestled his peeper and began to jerk my cock with gusto. The fourth, the dean's son, instantly jumped on the spot and ran out of the room in terror. We, however, did not stop and only became more active in having sex. After a long stay in such a position, it was as if we had become one and without prior collusion, we formed the following figure: Nikita stood up, I began to insert from behind, and the jock began to force the cancer to blowjob. The same had no choice, and he sucked roughly. While we had Nikita in all holes, the dean's son came running, who called with him three of the most rugged women from the women's dormitory, which he was very excited and for whom he tail dragged, hoping for a shag. The women were drunk and only got excited. The guy realised that it was necessary to hook up, and, having sharply thrown the tittiest of the women on the sofa, began to insert her. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, as I was preparing to release liquid into Nikita. The two remaining women took out a camera and started to take pictures of us. In the meantime, the guys and I finished fucking, came to our senses, and not fully realising what we had done, we left with the half-drunk chicks, leaving the snitch to fuck the whore.<br>Then there was a terrible scandal: it turned out that the woman was on drugs, and the snitch only helped her to pass away. She died, and he, as we were later told in the hospital, spent another 15 minutes kicking the corpse. There was a big row at uni. He started to justify that we were making a gay scene here. We made the most bewildered faces, so we couldn't help but believe him. What the fuck is homosexuality, man? Two women confirmed that they only saw their friend and this guy (we knew that we had witnesses, so immediately after leaving the room,  [ Kazirodztwo] we fucked them hard, so that in the morning they doubted very much that they saw us gays) The case of that guy was hushed up, but he was expelled from the university. In the end I realised that the country was fucked up and transferred to a normal university. Then, by the way, I dated one of those two women for a long time. She died of an overdose at a party in '98. I got married, had a kid, but I still keep those old photos of our threesome. I often hope I'll meet him one day and fuck him good!

Revisi per 11 September 2024 03.34

If a friend happens to have a sudden...
I want to share my story. For a very long time I wanted to forget about it, then somehow I got over it, and now, when I have been married for a long time and will soon have a second child, I even like it. All this happened at the height of the 90's, when I was studying at the second faculty at the Institute of Physical Education. I lived in a hostel, as I came from a small town to the capital of the region. The country was in a state known to everyone, but besides hunger, crisis and unemployment, the whole sex thing started. By the way, we shared a room, four of us, counting me. All from the countryside, all pumped up, dark, crazy. And we didn't know about sex, and all the things that came to our country from abroad with it. And here we are in our second year. We're sitting around doing some shit. Suddenly there was a ruckus in the dorm: a student from abroad brought some stuff. We didn't go, we knew he'd come and sell it to us. So he came, we thought he'd sell clothes. But he suddenly pulls out a box with a naked woman on it and shakes it: Here's what you want! Porn! We don't really get it, of course. He starts explaining to us what's in there and how. My boys and I listened so much that we got aroused (we were all in shorts, because the Institute of Physical Education, so you could see how the men stood up). In short, we shuffled around, scraped it up, and gave almost all of it away. There is also a problem: what to look at? We went and borrowed the player for a packet of macaroni, we were very impatient. We switched on porn, not yet fully understanding what it is. Then on the screen appeared some bitch with the third size of breasts and started greedily caressing her hairy pussy, moaning loudly and stroking her tits. Suddenly, all four shafts, as if on cue, almost ripped through the shorts. The slut continued to greedily fondle herself, and we gradually and involuntarily began to encompass our rock-hard cocks. Then all of us quickly threw off our shorts and started jerking off. I remember how greedily I was driving my giant, exhausted with the desire to put this blonde in. The guys did not lag behind, and in some ways succeeded. And here the beauty is already all sweaty, and I am high from a wild orgasm and ready to launch a projectile of sperm, but then suddenly everything is switched off. Either because of the player or because of the disc, but there's nothing. This is where we felt the worst bummer of our lives. Meanwhile, all the guys were getting turned on and were about to reach a delightful orgasm. We looked at each other, at the instruments, and again at us. Our eyes read: Where do we put all this heat? There was only one way out. I had never had gay fantasies before, but I had always noted handsome men among men, guided by my taste. And when I went to physical education, with us in the dormitory settled, as for me, just a standard of beauty. His name was Nikita, he was a year younger than me, he had simply gorgeous musculature, but he was extremely thin. He later reminded me of such an actor from porn, who plays a guy who looks at the cheating and takes part. I always forget the name. And Оргия considering this fact, plus all my sexual excitement, plus the fact that he was sitting right next to me, plus the fact that he had the biggest cock in the company, I instantly wrapped my hands around his phallus and began to jerk it off intensively. The guys were watching eagerly with their jerks. After a lot of jerking off, Nikita cummed right on my face. Here I could not stop and jumped on his cock. Meanwhile, the most pumped of us, who, as it seemed to us, was just a sex giant, now modestly nestled his peeper and began to jerk my cock with gusto. The fourth, the dean's son, instantly jumped on the spot and ran out of the room in terror. We, however, did not stop and only became more active in having sex. After a long stay in such a position, it was as if we had become one and without prior collusion, we formed the following figure: Nikita stood up, I began to insert from behind, and the jock began to force the cancer to blowjob. The same had no choice, and he sucked roughly. While we had Nikita in all holes, the dean's son came running, who called with him three of the most rugged women from the women's dormitory, which he was very excited and for whom he tail dragged, hoping for a shag. The women were drunk and only got excited. The guy realised that it was necessary to hook up, and, having sharply thrown the tittiest of the women on the sofa, began to insert her. I saw it out of the corner of my eye, as I was preparing to release liquid into Nikita. The two remaining women took out a camera and started to take pictures of us. In the meantime, the guys and I finished fucking, came to our senses, and not fully realising what we had done, we left with the half-drunk chicks, leaving the snitch to fuck the whore.
Then there was a terrible scandal: it turned out that the woman was on drugs, and the snitch only helped her to pass away. She died, and he, as we were later told in the hospital, spent another 15 minutes kicking the corpse. There was a big row at uni. He started to justify that we were making a gay scene here. We made the most bewildered faces, so we couldn't help but believe him. What the fuck is homosexuality, man? Two women confirmed that they only saw their friend and this guy (we knew that we had witnesses, so immediately after leaving the room, Kazirodztwo we fucked them hard, so that in the morning they doubted very much that they saw us gays) The case of that guy was hushed up, but he was expelled from the university. In the end I realised that the country was fucked up and transferred to a normal university. Then, by the way, I dated one of those two women for a long time. She died of an overdose at a party in '98. I got married, had a kid, but I still keep those old photos of our threesome. I often hope I'll meet him one day and fuck him good!