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操<br>在会议上,管理层把我们整个广告部都推到了风口浪尖上,用小跑的方式,酣畅淋漓地把所有人都踢到了为期两周的假期里--夏天,炎热,通风不能应付....  [ Pige] 他们不给我假期,所以我也拿不到五星级的东西,我唯一的希望就是克里米亚,前提是铁木尔准备给我投资。当我问他是否准备好时,他不怀好意地笑了笑,说他已经每晚在我的拇囊之间投资了,我身下湿漉漉的床单就是投资效果的证明。- 啊哈,我得赞助你在西米兹的海滩上当着男人的面转你那妓女的屁股;你应该去澡堂,我的朋友。真他妈嫉妒!我几乎从来没有给过他理由,除了和帕什卡,但帕什卡有这样一台机器,不勾引他是不可原谅的--哦,我的屁股还在甜美地呜咽了好几天,甚至有几次在工作时,屈服于回忆,我跑到厕所里打飞机,包括用手机偷拍视频--我完美的屁股接受他完美的鸡巴.... 当他要射精时,我以为他会用他的白色喷泉从里面把我吹起来--用他的精液给我充气,就像青蛙通过吸管充气一样....。那么,澡堂。为什么不呢?我的祖母已经六年没有见过我了--莫斯科知道如何把事情扭曲成这样,让我不需要见我的父母.... [ Abuse] 。而在村子里--就在这个澡堂子里,热气腾腾的牛奶、睾丸、呼呼...... 但这不是我要说的。- 那我就去大库库什基。我奶奶会很高兴的  [ Mädchen] - 那就去吧 你在那儿可不能扭屁股 除非是在当地酒鬼面前 或者在树林里被熊咬到的时候 帖木儿其实挺酷的 但和所有黝黑的男人一样 妒忌成性 不过,当你每晚都能保证达到肛门高潮时,你就可以忍耐了,不是吗?让乡村和荒野去吧--反正我也做了一个时髦的发型,鬓角剃成了人字形--有必要保持一个时髦的大都市傻瓜的烙印,让所有人都打飞机,而我将穿着紧身牛仔裤,稍微(不是挑逗性的,但谁能欣赏--谁会理解)扭动我光滑的屁股,从火车站到我奶奶家,经过俱乐部,经过村里的商店,经过穿着中国运动裤的男孩....。变化不大,不是吗?除了在某个地方出现了外国汽车(他们是怎么在这些颠簸的路面上行驶的,庞楚尼克们?"安德柳莎,你长大了,该找个好新娘了!" 如果她知道我牛仔裤下的背影--一位准新娘,以及她在一本 "只给被选中的人...... "的特别相册里有多少结婚照。- 在莫斯科,你甚至找不到一家好的澡堂!安德鲁,洗澡是为了什么?只是洗去污垢,既不健康也不快乐!我故意让萨什卡给你把火烧得更旺些;就算是星期一又怎么样,我的孙子就要来了,你要像个甜心一样把火烧得更旺些,然后用扫帚、扫帚、扫帚把城里的垃圾扫出去,因为他已经忘记了他亲爱的祖母!你还记得萨什卡吗?萨什卡是我的三表哥 他是当地拖拉机手柳娃舅舅的儿子 白发苍苍,瘦弱不堪 我记得,十四岁那年,他把我灌醉了,我喝了从我父亲那里偷来的酒,第二天一整天我都吐不出来.... [ Pige] 。我真希望我现在能认出他来,那个混蛋!我真的认出他了。不过,如果我是在城里,在不同的环境中遇到他,我也不会认出他来;也许我会和他对视几秒钟:他是个英俊的男人,长着一张我喜欢的肆无忌惮的脸;他并不那么英俊,但 "很有特点"--嘴唇永远咧着,晒得黝黑的额头上有被太阳晒黑的卷发,不是运动员,但.... "猎犬品种",我以前的一个炮友常这么说。- 你好,德龙奇克!- 三亚搂着我,拍了拍我的后背,让我感受到他是个怎样的男人,--好久不见,兄弟,你已经成了城里人,怎么说呢,一个时髦的明星?- 三亚笑了,他的牙齿很白,獠牙歪歪扭扭,其中一颗断了三分之一--一头集体农场的公牛用牛角撞了他,--哇,我突然想到了什么细节,我怎么也想不到....。烟味、酒味和令人惊讶的香水味。- 嗨,萨内克。你现在是国树第一个男人了吗?香水味像个绅士!- 我学着他的口气说,感觉他不再是我儿时的朋友,而是一个有趣的人,尽管他很简单。- 好吧,第一个不是第一个,但女孩们有时会邀请我去做客,--桑亚笑了笑,不知为何拍了拍我的后背,--但在我们国家,卓尼奇克,如果你不酗酒,手不从屁股里长出来,成为一个美男子并不难。<br>科斯泰特被劣质酒毒死了,格雷因为打架坐了两年牢,反正所有女人都是我的,即使我的老二有橡子那么大....。那你呢?你不打算结婚吗?因为谢尔盖耶夫娜已经给你找了个新娘,她是个好姑娘,奶子又大,有一次我在夜总会里给她捏了一把...... - 总之,如果你考虑好了 我会帮你找到她的 在莫斯科,所有的妓女可能都不知道自己想要什么,勒卡也不会出去,只是有时我会以兄弟的身份出现...... "三亚眨了眨眼睛。- 三亚眨了眨眼睛,显然心情不错。- 你喜欢谈论女人,--我看着他无耻的眼睛,拍拍摸摸地回敬道。- 晚上在这里干什么呢,我们没有午餐公园,卓尼奇克!我们去澡堂吧,我在那里把一切都安排好了,你可以看看我的创意!澡堂子在我外婆家和三哥家的房子后面,隔着一条小路,是全家人一起盖的,这样星期六全家人就可以在那里蒸桑拿了。我有三分之一的村子住在科库什基;我略带恐惧地想,我得去每个人家里转转,到哪儿他们都会向我灌他们独特的(土豆、甜菜根、苹果)月光酒,问我普京和卡巴耶娃是怎么回事。三亚在踱步,满足地看着我,似乎在期待着什么。当我走近澡堂时,我明白了他自鸣得意的神秘原因。澡堂有一个门廊,门廊前种着大丽花,门前五米长的小路上铺着光滑的白石头,最令人震惊的是,门的上方钉着一块木板,上面歪歪扭扭地写着一些假装漂亮却不成功的字。"E-班雅" 我有点搞砸了。三亚瞪大了眼睛,显然把我的惊讶当成了哑巴的喜悦。- 来吧,溜进去,里面最酷了。"哥哥在我屁股下面推了我一把。在扩大的前厅里,除了两张打扫得干干净净的床铺外,还有一张桌子,桌子上--去他妈的马德里!- 两台破旧的笔记本电脑。两台笔记本电脑中间放着一个玻璃杯,上面插着塑料雏菊。他是从墓地里剪下来的花吗?- 我想。- 我想了很久,不知道该叫它什么,卓奇克。"虚拟浴室"--原来它不是真的,对吗?如果我兴奋得让姑娘们坐上三分钟不休息,那它又是什么呢?"带蒸汽房的网吧 "很长。而 "电子浴室 "则简短切题,就像一封邮件。三亚对着天花板下的角落点了点头,在圣约翰草和扫帚的花束之间,有一盏红灯在闪烁:"你可能以为我们在这里是傻瓜?不,兄弟,进步--你无法阻止它!- 萨内克,"我问道,感觉眉毛都竖到额头上了,还粘在那里,"谁来这里聊天?马特维奇还是齐娜姑妈?- 你以为他们是傻瓜吗?- 桑卡在长凳上坐下,拉了拉破旧的运动鞋。- 我们这里有狩猎,你不知道吗?每周都有猎人来这里...... 他们打得太多了,野猪只会更多 但他们喜欢好好休息,喝伏特加 一般来说,我们需要运动,否则你会在这里长满苔藓... 为会议干杯 当然,伏特加不是普通的伏特加,而是添加了花楸果、沙棘和一些我不认识的草药的伏特加。....
Another night with Mum<br>I sat there and couldn't believe what had just happened. Anton was standing there too, leaning against the sink and not even removing his cock. Mum, on the other hand, was sitting there and, as if nothing had happened, asked me to pour her some champagne. With shaking hands, I complied. - Relax, boys," she laughed. - At least everyone realised that any woman or girl is ready to cheat. Ready to be a whore. A clear example, so to speak. - Yes, Tanya, we understood everything. - Anton looked at me guiltily and smiled Mum took another wildly sexy drag on her cigarette and, letting out the smoke, leaned back blissfully on the back of the sofa. - Lesh, switch on the TV. What's on now. - Yes, Mum, of course. - As if in a trance I said. Having decided that all this is unreal and it is some kind of sos, I said that I would go to bed, and on cotton legs with a standing cock I went to my room. - Don't stay up too long either. - I threw over my shoulder. - Yeah. - I heard my mum's half moan. Apparently, Anton was not enough and he was already covering my mum's neck with kisses. How could this happen? What was going on in Mum's head at that moment? I was at a loss to guess. Oh, well. The morning is the morning. As I went to bed, I heard the quiet creaking of the sofa in the kitchen again. I couldn't make out anything else - the TV was running quite loudly. I slept for a very long time and woke up to a kiss from my beloved. - Wake up, sleepyhead. It's 3:00 in the afternoon. Wow! What a dream you had. - Oksana was looking at my stiffening cock. - Mmmm. I wish I could taste it now. - my pussy purred. - But we're already late," she sighed sadly. - Late for what? - I started to get dressed. - Your parents got tickets to the theatre for play N. I'm so glad. - Oksana glowed with happiness. It really should be a good show. - Did they get tickets for six people? - No, your dad's not going. He was urgently summoned to Nsk. So you and Anton will have to manage with us. Did you stay long last night, by the way? - No. Not really. An hour, maybe. I started to remember parts of last night. Was it real or did I dream it? But just the thought of it being real made me wildly horny. How things change over time. I remember when I was a kid, I used to take any behaviour towards my mum in stride. Defended her. I was jealous. Now I imagine her getting fucked by her niece's boyfriend. Yeah. There was a lot of commotion in the flat. Even though it was still 3 hours before the play, all the women were running and fussing. Alyona went home to get a dress. Oksana decided to wear her mum's black tight dress with a see-through top. Mum also decided to wear a black one with a high neckline on the thigh and deep cleavage. The packing went on until the end. While the ladies were getting dressed up, Anton and I were watching TV. I noticed that he looked nervous and confused and was afraid to meet my gaze. It was not a dream! I decided not to ask him anything and just let the situation go. Finally we arrived at the theatre. We put our outerwear in the cloakroom, and I immediately noticed the admiring glances of the men at my mother. Looked mostly men from 35 to 40. The older category just burned a look at Oksana. The evening promised to be fun. We quickly found our seats. It turned out that on my left Oksana sits on my left. And my mum on my right. There was an empty seat next to her, and a young girl of about 27 sat across it. The second bell rang, and a rather large man of about 37 sat next to my mother. The play began, which, to be honest, did not live up to expectations at all and was rather boring. But my mum did not let me get bored. She sat down with her right leg tucked in and the lace of her stockings beckoned sweetly. Mum's neighbour was just staring at her breasts and legs. His date was watching the show very enthusiastically, and mum raised her dress higher and higher. Just a little more - and you can see her black lace thong. It was impossible not to notice the man's boner. He was sliding on the chair, but still did not dare to take any concrete action. Mum continued to play with him, covering her beautiful, moderately full thighs. How she loved sex! How she loved to realise that she was wanted. Luckily for the man's companion, the bell rang and everyone scattered. Since there were so many people, I quickly lost sight of all of mine. And to be honest, it was for the best. I wanted to reflect on everything that was happening and understand what had happened to my mother. What had turned her into a wildly lustful female. When I left the toilet, I went straight to the cupboard and saw the whole company by Oksana's open back.<br>The big guy and his girlfriend were standing there with them. They were already drinking to something, cheering happily. As I approached, I got to know them. It turned out that they were husband and wife - Sergei and Yulia. They had some kind of business in the city, and in general they made quite a pleasant impression. Kind and open smiles, elegant clothes. Everything was neat and tasteful, apart from the occasional flash in Sergei's eyes when looking at my mum. It so happened that for 15 minutes of intermission everyone drank 2 glasses of cognac. But what can I say, the cognac was excellent - Is it just me, or is the performance not very good? - Probably alone, - said Yulia. When is the second call already? - Actually, I don't really like it either, - Sergey supported me. - I don't really like it either, - Oksana said. Mum was already burning, her chest was heaving and her eyes were blazing with wild fire, but in a calm voice she said that the show was really boring. In the end, everyone ended up on my side. In order not to miss the opportunity for a wonderful fun evening, I suggested that we all go to a restaurant and everyone agreed in unison. While everyone was getting their outerwear, I hailed a taxi. - Sergei, are you with us? - I turned to our new acquaintances. - No. We'll watch the rest of the film, won't we, darling? - Yulia answered for him. Sergey shrugged his shoulders and went with Yulia into the hall. I was just putting on my jacket when Sergei ran up to me. - I'll drive up. Where will you be? - he blurted out. I called him one good restaurant, which was quite expensive, but with excellent cuisine, live music and a place to dance. - Sure, drive up. We'll be waiting. Especially Mum. - and I winked at him and ran to the taxi where everyone was waiting for me. When we got to the restaurant, we got a great table, which was not too far from the stage, but not too close either. It turned out that mum sat on the edge, then me, Oksana, Anton and Alyona. Mum's right side of the dress with the neckline was just in full view of everyone in the restaurant. I had a rough idea of how tonight would end. From then on it was the usual sit-downs with laughter and toasts, just like at home. There were more and more people in the restaurant. I noticed that almost all the men in the room were looking at our table. When I looked at my mum, I was amazed - her dress was pulled up so high that even the garters of her stockings were visible, and she didn't even notice it and was talking passionately. Everyone had already had a lot to drink and got hot and the dancing started. It was actually a lot of fun - the pleasant and exciting atmosphere of the place was just pulling you in. With Oksana's permission I asked a couple of girls to dance. Yes and she was not lost and, having danced with Anton, and now she was being squeezed by some bespectacled man. Mum wasn't just sitting there either. She's a great dancer, and she did a pretty hot tango with some old guy. The party was in full swing. New people were coming to our table, getting to know each other, drinking with us,  [ Misbrug] our table was kind of the epicentre of the whole thing. Dancing a slow dance, I noticed that next to my mum sat some long-haired guy about 25 years old, whispering something in her ear. Mum was glowing. The guy, without getting lost, put his hand on mum's leg and started to go up the inside of her thigh, reaching the lace of her stockings. Mum breathed more often and deeper. Lighting a cigarette,.... Page: 2 of 3 takes a couple of puffs and, having said something to the guy, takes her purse and goes to the toilet. The guy follows her about forty seconds later. I continued to dance, but the thought of what was happening in the gents kept me going. Unbelievable pictures began to form in my head. My lower abdomen tugged sweetly. The dance was over, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the toilet. As the restaurant was quite decent, WC there was not in the form of cubicles, but practically separate rooms. When I went in I didn't hear anything. I went to the sink and switched on the water. Having washed my face and exhaled, I headed for the exit. But when I heard a knocking noise in one of the cubicles, I stopped. Very quietly I went to the door and listened and heard something like a smacking sound. Then a clear female moaning, "mmm... mmm" " and a male whisper. - Ooh, you suck so good. Yeah. Take it in deeper. - Ohhh. It's so big. I want to feel him inside me. - Mum whispered passionately. Then there was some fiddling and then the sound of Mum's blowjob again. My eyes went blurry. How can this be! What's going on? I wandered towards the exit. - Not now, sweetie. - I had time to hear the phrase and the sound of the door opening and the clomping of Mum's heels. I sat down at our table and drank two glasses of pure whiskey. Some girl sat down to me and started to tell me something passionately, putting her hand on top of mine.<br>Not listening to her at all, I started to look for Oksana with my eyes. - Fuck. [ Bitch]... - I said when I saw her in the dark corner against the wall. She was huddled just with the bespectacled guy. He had one arm around her waist and the other was groping her arse, pulling up her dress. The veil fell from her eyes instantly. In my head, something clicked, tapped, paddles and rage. Wild rage. The last thing I remember from that period was bits of glass from his glasses digging into my fist. Then the shouting. The noise. Explanations in the street with the guards and the cops. I had to give the glasses man money instead of a statement. After sending the victim home in a taxi, I went back to the restaurant. In the distance, I saw our table. Everything continued as if nothing had happened. Everyone was chatting and laughing enthusiastically. There was another very young guy sitting at our table. About 18, 19 years old. He was sitting right next to the long-haired guy my mum had sucked off in the toilet. Fucking hell, I thought to myself. "Sucked in the loo," I said out loud. Next to the long-haired man sat my mum, and on the other side of her sat someone else. You couldn't make out the distance. I exhaled and walked towards them. When I got closer, I recognised Sergei. The same Sergei from the theatre. His Yulia wasn't at the table. He was just pouring mum a martini That young man was sitting there staring at his mum's tits and legs. When I approached, everyone stopped talking. In order not to aggravate the situation, I quickly apologised to everyone, threw a couple of jokes about the bespectacled man and that relieved the tension hanging in the air. Everyone laughed, and the evening went on. Oksana tried her best not to meet my eyes. Apparently, she felt guilty. I was not offended at all and immediately put the incident with the bespectacled man out of my mind. I had to meet these guys. The long-haired one's name was Igor, and the young one was Zhenya. They were brothers and had come to our town for work, something to do with construction. They were ordinary guys, but a bit cheeky, though on the whole they were not evil aggressive bastards at all. Mum and Igor occasionally exchanged glances, and the sexual energy between them filled the air. Though maybe not only between Igor. Sergei, periodically whispering something to Mum, caressed her ear with his tongue. Mum must have loved the effect she was having on the people around her. And her prospect of being fucked that night increased in proportion to the number of cocks she made get up! It was now about 3 o'clock in the morning. Everyone had been drinking very heavily. Alyona was frankly falling asleep. Oksana was also blinking much slower than usual. The conversation was not so active. I talked to Igor and his brother. They turned out to be not bad guys and we had quite a lot of common interests. Mum seemed to really like Sergei. They talked passionately and went out dancing a few times. It was more like dirty dancing than the classic rumba. They pressed tightly against each other. Mum occasionally shone her stockings and panties, which brought the whole male company in the restaurant into ecstasy. The evening was coming to its logical conclusion. I said it was time to pack up. Everyone nodded. Mum also supported, but she said, "Shall we go to our place? We've got great Cuban rum! We'll have another drink! - I should think that all the men agreed in unison with Mum's suggestion. We called a taxi and... it turned out that I Anton, Alyona and Oksana went in one car, and Mum Sergei, Zhenya and Igor in another. Mum was walking, taking both her beau under her arms. Zhenya was walking a little further back. We drove to our place. To the very kitchen where last night Anton had fucked Mum before giving her a mouthful. I didn't even want to think about what was happening in the other taxi. When I got home, I was disappointed to find my dad still gone. Mum was just over the moon to learn that Dad hadn't arrived and would only come in two days. The girls quickly set the table, mum opened the Cuban rum and the evening continued with renewed vigour. Laughter and the clinking of glasses shook the whole flat. After about an hour Alyona and Oksana, unable to sit up any longer, went to bed. In the kitchen it was just me, Mum, Sergei, Anton, Igor and Zhenya. That is, five men and a languid woman who wanted all these men. She sucked one of them. With another she fucked and sucked, and the others were close to it. And they were all younger than her. Even Sergei. The conversation, like last night, began to drift into sensitive, exciting topics. Mum sat as if in a restaurant between Sergei and Igor. Together, as if on cue, they put their hands on her hips, even though they were still talking. - Okay, boys, stop. I realise that I'm alone among five men, but I'm a married woman and I'm not going to be groped. - that sounded completely unexpected after what had already happened. - Tatiana, you have no idea how jealous we are of your husband. After all, he can constantly admire this beauty. - said Sergei. - And not only admire. - Igor added with a chuckle.<br>Mum didn't say anything, but switched her legs, putting one on top of the other. - But don't doubt that I love my husband. Come on, I'll show you the video of our wedding and you'll understand. - we all moved into the auditorium. My parents digitised the tape and my mother put the disc into the player and sat down on the sofa next to Anton and Zhenya. Actually, there was nothing special on the video. It was just an ordinary wedding with toasts, Bitter and other stuff. Mum was wearing a plain white dress. But, God, she was beautiful! Everyone just marvelled when they saw what she looked like 25 years ago. - Hmm. I'm going to show you something. - Mum stood up on the boys' laps and went into the bedroom. - I've never seen a sexier woman in my life. - Sergei blurted out when Mum came out. - Yeah! That's something. - Igor swallowed. - Let's go for a smoke. - and all the guys went to the balcony, and I went to the loo. I stopped at the bedroom and looked through the small gap between the door and saw my mum putting on white stockings with a belt, a white thong, and her wedding dress on the bed. I realised where this was going. We all sat down in the lounge again and watched the wedding. The video was just getting to the banquet and toasts. But then, when we heard the clomping of heels, everyone froze. Mum walked in in her wedding dress. "What do you think? It's a bit small, but it's not bad." Mum's breasts were shamelessly falling out of her corset, barely covering her nipples. The men just gasped and started sputtering in rapturous epithets. Mum liked it all very much. Do you like the bride, boys, mm? - Mum said with a smile. - Well, I'm going to get changed. - she sighed. - No, Tanya. Don't. - Sergei came up behind her and hugging her from behind whispered, "What about the first wedding night?" Laughing, Mum freed herself from his bear hug. - No one has even stolen me yet, and you're already having your wedding night! - she purred and went into the kitchen. The night took its continuation there. We talked on various topics in half voices. Mum still remained in her wedding dress. How beautiful and massive her breasts looked! The alcohol ran out, but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to walk around and filter everything that was going on, so I volunteered to go to the shop. I don't think anyone went with me. Everyone just stared at Mum and waited for me to leave. The shop was not far away, and in 10 minutes I was already home with two bottles of cognac. When I entered the flat, I was surprised at the silence. There was no laughter, no clinking of glasses. Only someone's monotonous bass in the kitchen. The whole corridor was filled with cigarette smoke. As I passed my parents' bedroom, I heard whispering and fumbling. Then the whispering stopped and the monotonous creaking of the bed began. A few seconds later there was a low moan "mmmm... ooohhh" from Mum, which was not loud at all, but it was enough to understand that someone was fucking Mum. Apparently Sergei had got the right to a first wedding night after all. I went into the kitchen. There were three people sitting there - Anton, Zhenya and Sergei. - Where's Igor? - I asked - he stole the bride. - All the men smiled. I put the cognac on the table and went to hang up my jacket. At the door I suddenly bumped into my mum. - So soon? What did you buy? - she asked. She was no longer wearing a dress, but a black negligee and stockings. "Boys, pour me a drink quickly. I'm terribly thirsty," and swaying her hips like that, she walked to the table. Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw her in such sexy attire. "Couldn't keep the witness away, and I couldn't wait for you," said Mum with a pout. - Tanya, sit down quickly. We've been pouring you a long time. - You look stunning. - Without taking his eyes off Mum, Zhenya said. - Thank you, sweetie. - said Mum smiled and put her foot on her leg and started drinking cognac. - So, well, where is the witness? - asked Seryi. - I don't know. Sleeping, probably. - Mum shrugged her shoulders. Everyone smiled as they realised what was happening in the bedroom. Shyly and in a trembling voice Zhenya said: "Tatiana, let me take a picture with you as a memento. A memento of the most beautiful and sexiest woman in the world" - Zhenechka,  [ Misbrug] of course! - Mum stood up and sat on his lap and hugged him around the neck, erotically bending at the waist. - I want too. - Sergei said and already started to get up, but here as here was already Anton, who stood directly next to the models for the photo shoot. I took Zhenya's phone and took a couple of pictures. "Come on, Zhenya, put your arm around me" Mum moved towards him so that her breasts were a few centimetres away from Zhenya's face. He hesitantly put his arm around his mum's waist. His hand began to move lower. Mum stuck out her bottom invitingly. Zhenya's palm was already resting directly on Mum's buttock.<br>Mum stood up and sat on top of him, facing him and with her back to me. The back of the negligee lifted up and Mum's thong was visible. I kept clicking the camera-phone. Mum turned to the camera and looked passionately straight into the lens. She was clearly getting into the swing of things. She stretched out her leg, one or the other. Then she stood against the wall. Sergey came to her and lifted her leg as in a dance and pressed closely against her. Mum sat down again just on top of Zhenya. Her movements on Zhenya's standing cock were noticeable. She was openly rubbing herself on it. Apparently everyone's excitement had reached a climax. - How about this! - Mum stood on the table and  [ Tits] leaned slightly erotically. Sergey took her foot in the palm of his hand and began to cover it with kisses. Mum was enjoying all of this immensely. She began to pull down her negligee, freeing her breasts. "Wow." The men applauded with glee. Mum started to do a striptease. I couldn't watch any more and staggered out of the kitchen. But I had to know how it was going to end. Everyone's cocks were hard. Mum stood on the table with her arse hanging out. Anton was the first one who couldn't take it. He stood on the couch and opened his fly right in front of Mum's mouth, spilling out his cock. Mum didn't have to be persuaded for long and she greedily swallowed it and started sucking it. Her lips were tightly around Anton's cock. Sergei stood on the chair behind Mum with a kind of animal growl and pushed her panties off and entered her sharply and began to fuck her. There was the smell of alcohol and thick cigarette smoke in the kitchen. "Aaahhhh" echoed throughout the flat. Just as long as no one woke up. - Yeah... Ohhhh. good. - Sergei had my mum hard. - Aaahhh. Good. mmm... more... - Mum moaned. Mum was the epitome of sex. At this moment, it seemed she was ready to give the whole neighbourhood, the city, the world. Sergei's rhythmic and strong movements shook Mum time after time. His rough, huge palms were firmly squeezing Mum's large buttocks. Zhenya did not stand aside and, unzipping his fly, stood next to Anton - right in front of mum's sweet mouth. Mum covered her eyes in pleasure. - Yes, Seryozha. Deeper... ohhhhhhhh.. Seeing Zhenya's cock, surprisingly long but not very thick, Mum licked its head and took it into her mouth completely. Anton jerked furiously watching all this. Sergei increased the pace and fucked his mum more and more furiously. With a growl and a convulsive jerk he cummed right into his mum. Anton quickly took the vacated place. With sharp movements, then quickly and slowly he entered mum. She moaned blissfully. At some point she cried out loudly: "Aaahhh... how deep... ! More!!!" Anton, encouraged by such gratitude, began to ravish his mother. Her full breasts swayed in time with Anton's movements, and her mouth was periodically occupied by Zhenya or Sergei, who had regained his strength. Mum sucked them diligently. On her face was inexpressible bliss. She loved being a whore. After Anton cummed, Zhenya took his place. Mum wriggled her ass and he started to fuck her from behind without any resistance. Anton sat next to him and smoked, and Sergei, with his eyes closed, enjoyed his mother's blowjob. Mum liked to give herself to this pack of males. Her make-up was completely smeared and made her look even more fucked up. She was being fucked by three men. Greedily. Fiercely. But this wasn't sex with some street hooker, it was with a woman of the first class. A negligee, great big breasts, beautiful long legs in black stockings, big round arse.... Goddess. Aphrodite. But no. That's my mum. A faithful wife who loves her husband very much. Gianni continued to methodically fuck my mum. The sweet atmosphere of sex and filled the kitchen. Gianni began to increase the pace dramatically. Mum's moans echoed throughout the flat. - I can't take it anymore. - Zhenya whimpered through his teeth and made a couple of frictions and cummed directly into my mum. Just a few seconds later Sergei with a wild roar spurted straight into Mum's mouth. She barely had time to swallow all his cum. Drops of white liquid remained in the corners of her mouth. An exhausted Zhenya plumped down on the sofa. Mum stood on the table and leaned on Sergei's arm and sat on the sofa. A blissful lecherous smile made her face incredibly arousing. - Boys pour the lady some champagne. - In a weak and satisfied voice Mum whispered softly. Having drunk a glass mum tried to get up, but apparently alcohol and half an hour of sex with three men had exhausted her. - Oh, I think I'm really drunk. I'm sleepy. - Mum got up and walked towards the bedroom. - Shh, shh, shh. we'll show you out. - Sergei was right there. Taking Mum by the waist on the right side, Zhenya jumped up and hugged her on the left. - Mmm... boys... how gallant you are. - With a very unsteady gait, clacking her heels, Mum accompanied by her beau went into the bedroom.<br>I quickly moved there and hid behind the curtain. Igor was already asleep there. Mum was laid next to him. Sergei took off her shoes, covered her with a blanket and kissed her tenderly. "How I love her" he sighed deeply. Zhenya started to wake Igor - Get up, we have to go. - Yes, yes. Now. - Igor mumbled in a sleepy voice. - Come on, we're waiting. Sergei and Zhenya left the bedroom. Igor stretched, fixing his long hair. He wanted to get up, but noticed his mum sleeping next to him. One of her legs was out from under the blanket. He started stroking his mum's thigh. He pulled down the blanket, freeing her breasts from the negligee, swallowed, put his hand on the soft supple flesh, began to knead Mum's tits. Totally throwing the duvet off her, he began to unbutton his trousers. Mum began to moan through her sleep and moved towards Igor's hands. She didn't realise at all what was happening. There was a strong smell of fresh alcohol in the bedroom. Igor unzipped his fly and pulled out his hard cock, sinking his lips into Mum's lips and pushing himself down on top of her. Mum responded to the kiss and they began kissing passionately. Igor covered her neck, her breasts with kisses. Like young lovers afraid of being seen, they hurried to merge into one. - I want you so much. - Igor said. - Mmm... I want you, darling. - Mum whispered passionately. She spread her legs and let Igor in. He entered mum sharply and a muffled moan escaped her lips - "uuuhhhh..... mmm." I could see Igor's back, his intense thrusts inside Mum, her legs in stockings around Igor's waist and her nails digging into his back. Igor was powerfully entering Mum and with each thrust the bed creaked and banged against the wall, and only soft "ah... ah... ah... ah" came out of Mum. I'm sure Mum didn't even know who was fucking her. Husband, neighbour, colleague, old man, macho man. It didn't matter to her - she wanted a cock inside her and it was there and fucked her, and who possessed her wasn't important at all. - Well, will you be there soon?" Zhenya looked into the room and saw Igor on top of Mum, intensively driving his stake into Mum. - Yes... yes... already now. hissed Igor. - Oooohhhh. - Mum let out a long moan. After that Igor immediately cummed. Zhenya smiled and walked out, closing the door. Igor got up, quickly got dressed, slapped Mum on the arse, smiled evasively and left. Mum slept as if nothing had happened, as if no sex had taken place and it was just a dream. In the corridor I could hear the sounds of jackets zipping up and the voices of guys. - Leha, when did you go to bed? - When it all started. It must not be nice to watch your mother being fucked. - I'd also fuck his girlfriend Oksana. Nice nipple. They laughed quietly and after a few words they opened the door and left. It was getting light outside the window. P. S all comments and suggestions to the address

Revisi per 11 September 2024 04.31

Another night with Mum
I sat there and couldn't believe what had just happened. Anton was standing there too, leaning against the sink and not even removing his cock. Mum, on the other hand, was sitting there and, as if nothing had happened, asked me to pour her some champagne. With shaking hands, I complied. - Relax, boys," she laughed. - At least everyone realised that any woman or girl is ready to cheat. Ready to be a whore. A clear example, so to speak. - Yes, Tanya, we understood everything. - Anton looked at me guiltily and smiled Mum took another wildly sexy drag on her cigarette and, letting out the smoke, leaned back blissfully on the back of the sofa. - Lesh, switch on the TV. What's on now. - Yes, Mum, of course. - As if in a trance I said. Having decided that all this is unreal and it is some kind of sos, I said that I would go to bed, and on cotton legs with a standing cock I went to my room. - Don't stay up too long either. - I threw over my shoulder. - Yeah. - I heard my mum's half moan. Apparently, Anton was not enough and he was already covering my mum's neck with kisses. How could this happen? What was going on in Mum's head at that moment? I was at a loss to guess. Oh, well. The morning is the morning. As I went to bed, I heard the quiet creaking of the sofa in the kitchen again. I couldn't make out anything else - the TV was running quite loudly. I slept for a very long time and woke up to a kiss from my beloved. - Wake up, sleepyhead. It's 3:00 in the afternoon. Wow! What a dream you had. - Oksana was looking at my stiffening cock. - Mmmm. I wish I could taste it now. - my pussy purred. - But we're already late," she sighed sadly. - Late for what? - I started to get dressed. - Your parents got tickets to the theatre for play N. I'm so glad. - Oksana glowed with happiness. It really should be a good show. - Did they get tickets for six people? - No, your dad's not going. He was urgently summoned to Nsk. So you and Anton will have to manage with us. Did you stay long last night, by the way? - No. Not really. An hour, maybe. I started to remember parts of last night. Was it real or did I dream it? But just the thought of it being real made me wildly horny. How things change over time. I remember when I was a kid, I used to take any behaviour towards my mum in stride. Defended her. I was jealous. Now I imagine her getting fucked by her niece's boyfriend. Yeah. There was a lot of commotion in the flat. Even though it was still 3 hours before the play, all the women were running and fussing. Alyona went home to get a dress. Oksana decided to wear her mum's black tight dress with a see-through top. Mum also decided to wear a black one with a high neckline on the thigh and deep cleavage. The packing went on until the end. While the ladies were getting dressed up, Anton and I were watching TV. I noticed that he looked nervous and confused and was afraid to meet my gaze. It was not a dream! I decided not to ask him anything and just let the situation go. Finally we arrived at the theatre. We put our outerwear in the cloakroom, and I immediately noticed the admiring glances of the men at my mother. Looked mostly men from 35 to 40. The older category just burned a look at Oksana. The evening promised to be fun. We quickly found our seats. It turned out that on my left Oksana sits on my left. And my mum on my right. There was an empty seat next to her, and a young girl of about 27 sat across it. The second bell rang, and a rather large man of about 37 sat next to my mother. The play began, which, to be honest, did not live up to expectations at all and was rather boring. But my mum did not let me get bored. She sat down with her right leg tucked in and the lace of her stockings beckoned sweetly. Mum's neighbour was just staring at her breasts and legs. His date was watching the show very enthusiastically, and mum raised her dress higher and higher. Just a little more - and you can see her black lace thong. It was impossible not to notice the man's boner. He was sliding on the chair, but still did not dare to take any concrete action. Mum continued to play with him, covering her beautiful, moderately full thighs. How she loved sex! How she loved to realise that she was wanted. Luckily for the man's companion, the bell rang and everyone scattered. Since there were so many people, I quickly lost sight of all of mine. And to be honest, it was for the best. I wanted to reflect on everything that was happening and understand what had happened to my mother. What had turned her into a wildly lustful female. When I left the toilet, I went straight to the cupboard and saw the whole company by Oksana's open back.
The big guy and his girlfriend were standing there with them. They were already drinking to something, cheering happily. As I approached, I got to know them. It turned out that they were husband and wife - Sergei and Yulia. They had some kind of business in the city, and in general they made quite a pleasant impression. Kind and open smiles, elegant clothes. Everything was neat and tasteful, apart from the occasional flash in Sergei's eyes when looking at my mum. It so happened that for 15 minutes of intermission everyone drank 2 glasses of cognac. But what can I say, the cognac was excellent - Is it just me, or is the performance not very good? - Probably alone, - said Yulia. When is the second call already? - Actually, I don't really like it either, - Sergey supported me. - I don't really like it either, - Oksana said. Mum was already burning, her chest was heaving and her eyes were blazing with wild fire, but in a calm voice she said that the show was really boring. In the end, everyone ended up on my side. In order not to miss the opportunity for a wonderful fun evening, I suggested that we all go to a restaurant and everyone agreed in unison. While everyone was getting their outerwear, I hailed a taxi. - Sergei, are you with us? - I turned to our new acquaintances. - No. We'll watch the rest of the film, won't we, darling? - Yulia answered for him. Sergey shrugged his shoulders and went with Yulia into the hall. I was just putting on my jacket when Sergei ran up to me. - I'll drive up. Where will you be? - he blurted out. I called him one good restaurant, which was quite expensive, but with excellent cuisine, live music and a place to dance. - Sure, drive up. We'll be waiting. Especially Mum. - and I winked at him and ran to the taxi where everyone was waiting for me. When we got to the restaurant, we got a great table, which was not too far from the stage, but not too close either. It turned out that mum sat on the edge, then me, Oksana, Anton and Alyona. Mum's right side of the dress with the neckline was just in full view of everyone in the restaurant. I had a rough idea of how tonight would end. From then on it was the usual sit-downs with laughter and toasts, just like at home. There were more and more people in the restaurant. I noticed that almost all the men in the room were looking at our table. When I looked at my mum, I was amazed - her dress was pulled up so high that even the garters of her stockings were visible, and she didn't even notice it and was talking passionately. Everyone had already had a lot to drink and got hot and the dancing started. It was actually a lot of fun - the pleasant and exciting atmosphere of the place was just pulling you in. With Oksana's permission I asked a couple of girls to dance. Yes and she was not lost and, having danced with Anton, and now she was being squeezed by some bespectacled man. Mum wasn't just sitting there either. She's a great dancer, and she did a pretty hot tango with some old guy. The party was in full swing. New people were coming to our table, getting to know each other, drinking with us, Misbrug our table was kind of the epicentre of the whole thing. Dancing a slow dance, I noticed that next to my mum sat some long-haired guy about 25 years old, whispering something in her ear. Mum was glowing. The guy, without getting lost, put his hand on mum's leg and started to go up the inside of her thigh, reaching the lace of her stockings. Mum breathed more often and deeper. Lighting a cigarette,.... Page: 2 of 3 takes a couple of puffs and, having said something to the guy, takes her purse and goes to the toilet. The guy follows her about forty seconds later. I continued to dance, but the thought of what was happening in the gents kept me going. Unbelievable pictures began to form in my head. My lower abdomen tugged sweetly. The dance was over, I couldn't take it anymore and went to the toilet. As the restaurant was quite decent, WC there was not in the form of cubicles, but practically separate rooms. When I went in I didn't hear anything. I went to the sink and switched on the water. Having washed my face and exhaled, I headed for the exit. But when I heard a knocking noise in one of the cubicles, I stopped. Very quietly I went to the door and listened and heard something like a smacking sound. Then a clear female moaning, "mmm... mmm" " and a male whisper. - Ooh, you suck so good. Yeah. Take it in deeper. - Ohhh. It's so big. I want to feel him inside me. - Mum whispered passionately. Then there was some fiddling and then the sound of Mum's blowjob again. My eyes went blurry. How can this be! What's going on? I wandered towards the exit. - Not now, sweetie. - I had time to hear the phrase and the sound of the door opening and the clomping of Mum's heels. I sat down at our table and drank two glasses of pure whiskey. Some girl sat down to me and started to tell me something passionately, putting her hand on top of mine.
Not listening to her at all, I started to look for Oksana with my eyes. - Fuck. Bitch... - I said when I saw her in the dark corner against the wall. She was huddled just with the bespectacled guy. He had one arm around her waist and the other was groping her arse, pulling up her dress. The veil fell from her eyes instantly. In my head, something clicked, tapped, paddles and rage. Wild rage. The last thing I remember from that period was bits of glass from his glasses digging into my fist. Then the shouting. The noise. Explanations in the street with the guards and the cops. I had to give the glasses man money instead of a statement. After sending the victim home in a taxi, I went back to the restaurant. In the distance, I saw our table. Everything continued as if nothing had happened. Everyone was chatting and laughing enthusiastically. There was another very young guy sitting at our table. About 18, 19 years old. He was sitting right next to the long-haired guy my mum had sucked off in the toilet. Fucking hell, I thought to myself. "Sucked in the loo," I said out loud. Next to the long-haired man sat my mum, and on the other side of her sat someone else. You couldn't make out the distance. I exhaled and walked towards them. When I got closer, I recognised Sergei. The same Sergei from the theatre. His Yulia wasn't at the table. He was just pouring mum a martini That young man was sitting there staring at his mum's tits and legs. When I approached, everyone stopped talking. In order not to aggravate the situation, I quickly apologised to everyone, threw a couple of jokes about the bespectacled man and that relieved the tension hanging in the air. Everyone laughed, and the evening went on. Oksana tried her best not to meet my eyes. Apparently, she felt guilty. I was not offended at all and immediately put the incident with the bespectacled man out of my mind. I had to meet these guys. The long-haired one's name was Igor, and the young one was Zhenya. They were brothers and had come to our town for work, something to do with construction. They were ordinary guys, but a bit cheeky, though on the whole they were not evil aggressive bastards at all. Mum and Igor occasionally exchanged glances, and the sexual energy between them filled the air. Though maybe not only between Igor. Sergei, periodically whispering something to Mum, caressed her ear with his tongue. Mum must have loved the effect she was having on the people around her. And her prospect of being fucked that night increased in proportion to the number of cocks she made get up! It was now about 3 o'clock in the morning. Everyone had been drinking very heavily. Alyona was frankly falling asleep. Oksana was also blinking much slower than usual. The conversation was not so active. I talked to Igor and his brother. They turned out to be not bad guys and we had quite a lot of common interests. Mum seemed to really like Sergei. They talked passionately and went out dancing a few times. It was more like dirty dancing than the classic rumba. They pressed tightly against each other. Mum occasionally shone her stockings and panties, which brought the whole male company in the restaurant into ecstasy. The evening was coming to its logical conclusion. I said it was time to pack up. Everyone nodded. Mum also supported, but she said, "Shall we go to our place? We've got great Cuban rum! We'll have another drink! - I should think that all the men agreed in unison with Mum's suggestion. We called a taxi and... it turned out that I Anton, Alyona and Oksana went in one car, and Mum Sergei, Zhenya and Igor in another. Mum was walking, taking both her beau under her arms. Zhenya was walking a little further back. We drove to our place. To the very kitchen where last night Anton had fucked Mum before giving her a mouthful. I didn't even want to think about what was happening in the other taxi. When I got home, I was disappointed to find my dad still gone. Mum was just over the moon to learn that Dad hadn't arrived and would only come in two days. The girls quickly set the table, mum opened the Cuban rum and the evening continued with renewed vigour. Laughter and the clinking of glasses shook the whole flat. After about an hour Alyona and Oksana, unable to sit up any longer, went to bed. In the kitchen it was just me, Mum, Sergei, Anton, Igor and Zhenya. That is, five men and a languid woman who wanted all these men. She sucked one of them. With another she fucked and sucked, and the others were close to it. And they were all younger than her. Even Sergei. The conversation, like last night, began to drift into sensitive, exciting topics. Mum sat as if in a restaurant between Sergei and Igor. Together, as if on cue, they put their hands on her hips, even though they were still talking. - Okay, boys, stop. I realise that I'm alone among five men, but I'm a married woman and I'm not going to be groped. - that sounded completely unexpected after what had already happened. - Tatiana, you have no idea how jealous we are of your husband. After all, he can constantly admire this beauty. - said Sergei. - And not only admire. - Igor added with a chuckle.
Mum didn't say anything, but switched her legs, putting one on top of the other. - But don't doubt that I love my husband. Come on, I'll show you the video of our wedding and you'll understand. - we all moved into the auditorium. My parents digitised the tape and my mother put the disc into the player and sat down on the sofa next to Anton and Zhenya. Actually, there was nothing special on the video. It was just an ordinary wedding with toasts, Bitter and other stuff. Mum was wearing a plain white dress. But, God, she was beautiful! Everyone just marvelled when they saw what she looked like 25 years ago. - Hmm. I'm going to show you something. - Mum stood up on the boys' laps and went into the bedroom. - I've never seen a sexier woman in my life. - Sergei blurted out when Mum came out. - Yeah! That's something. - Igor swallowed. - Let's go for a smoke. - and all the guys went to the balcony, and I went to the loo. I stopped at the bedroom and looked through the small gap between the door and saw my mum putting on white stockings with a belt, a white thong, and her wedding dress on the bed. I realised where this was going. We all sat down in the lounge again and watched the wedding. The video was just getting to the banquet and toasts. But then, when we heard the clomping of heels, everyone froze. Mum walked in in her wedding dress. "What do you think? It's a bit small, but it's not bad." Mum's breasts were shamelessly falling out of her corset, barely covering her nipples. The men just gasped and started sputtering in rapturous epithets. Mum liked it all very much. Do you like the bride, boys, mm? - Mum said with a smile. - Well, I'm going to get changed. - she sighed. - No, Tanya. Don't. - Sergei came up behind her and hugging her from behind whispered, "What about the first wedding night?" Laughing, Mum freed herself from his bear hug. - No one has even stolen me yet, and you're already having your wedding night! - she purred and went into the kitchen. The night took its continuation there. We talked on various topics in half voices. Mum still remained in her wedding dress. How beautiful and massive her breasts looked! The alcohol ran out, but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to walk around and filter everything that was going on, so I volunteered to go to the shop. I don't think anyone went with me. Everyone just stared at Mum and waited for me to leave. The shop was not far away, and in 10 minutes I was already home with two bottles of cognac. When I entered the flat, I was surprised at the silence. There was no laughter, no clinking of glasses. Only someone's monotonous bass in the kitchen. The whole corridor was filled with cigarette smoke. As I passed my parents' bedroom, I heard whispering and fumbling. Then the whispering stopped and the monotonous creaking of the bed began. A few seconds later there was a low moan "mmmm... ooohhh" from Mum, which was not loud at all, but it was enough to understand that someone was fucking Mum. Apparently Sergei had got the right to a first wedding night after all. I went into the kitchen. There were three people sitting there - Anton, Zhenya and Sergei. - Where's Igor? - I asked - he stole the bride. - All the men smiled. I put the cognac on the table and went to hang up my jacket. At the door I suddenly bumped into my mum. - So soon? What did you buy? - she asked. She was no longer wearing a dress, but a black negligee and stockings. "Boys, pour me a drink quickly. I'm terribly thirsty," and swaying her hips like that, she walked to the table. Everyone's jaw dropped when they saw her in such sexy attire. "Couldn't keep the witness away, and I couldn't wait for you," said Mum with a pout. - Tanya, sit down quickly. We've been pouring you a long time. - You look stunning. - Without taking his eyes off Mum, Zhenya said. - Thank you, sweetie. - said Mum smiled and put her foot on her leg and started drinking cognac. - So, well, where is the witness? - asked Seryi. - I don't know. Sleeping, probably. - Mum shrugged her shoulders. Everyone smiled as they realised what was happening in the bedroom. Shyly and in a trembling voice Zhenya said: "Tatiana, let me take a picture with you as a memento. A memento of the most beautiful and sexiest woman in the world" - Zhenechka, Misbrug of course! - Mum stood up and sat on his lap and hugged him around the neck, erotically bending at the waist. - I want too. - Sergei said and already started to get up, but here as here was already Anton, who stood directly next to the models for the photo shoot. I took Zhenya's phone and took a couple of pictures. "Come on, Zhenya, put your arm around me" Mum moved towards him so that her breasts were a few centimetres away from Zhenya's face. He hesitantly put his arm around his mum's waist. His hand began to move lower. Mum stuck out her bottom invitingly. Zhenya's palm was already resting directly on Mum's buttock.
Mum stood up and sat on top of him, facing him and with her back to me. The back of the negligee lifted up and Mum's thong was visible. I kept clicking the camera-phone. Mum turned to the camera and looked passionately straight into the lens. She was clearly getting into the swing of things. She stretched out her leg, one or the other. Then she stood against the wall. Sergey came to her and lifted her leg as in a dance and pressed closely against her. Mum sat down again just on top of Zhenya. Her movements on Zhenya's standing cock were noticeable. She was openly rubbing herself on it. Apparently everyone's excitement had reached a climax. - How about this! - Mum stood on the table and Tits leaned slightly erotically. Sergey took her foot in the palm of his hand and began to cover it with kisses. Mum was enjoying all of this immensely. She began to pull down her negligee, freeing her breasts. "Wow." The men applauded with glee. Mum started to do a striptease. I couldn't watch any more and staggered out of the kitchen. But I had to know how it was going to end. Everyone's cocks were hard. Mum stood on the table with her arse hanging out. Anton was the first one who couldn't take it. He stood on the couch and opened his fly right in front of Mum's mouth, spilling out his cock. Mum didn't have to be persuaded for long and she greedily swallowed it and started sucking it. Her lips were tightly around Anton's cock. Sergei stood on the chair behind Mum with a kind of animal growl and pushed her panties off and entered her sharply and began to fuck her. There was the smell of alcohol and thick cigarette smoke in the kitchen. "Aaahhhh" echoed throughout the flat. Just as long as no one woke up. - Yeah... Ohhhh. good. - Sergei had my mum hard. - Aaahhh. Good. mmm... more... - Mum moaned. Mum was the epitome of sex. At this moment, it seemed she was ready to give the whole neighbourhood, the city, the world. Sergei's rhythmic and strong movements shook Mum time after time. His rough, huge palms were firmly squeezing Mum's large buttocks. Zhenya did not stand aside and, unzipping his fly, stood next to Anton - right in front of mum's sweet mouth. Mum covered her eyes in pleasure. - Yes, Seryozha. Deeper... ohhhhhhhh.. Seeing Zhenya's cock, surprisingly long but not very thick, Mum licked its head and took it into her mouth completely. Anton jerked furiously watching all this. Sergei increased the pace and fucked his mum more and more furiously. With a growl and a convulsive jerk he cummed right into his mum. Anton quickly took the vacated place. With sharp movements, then quickly and slowly he entered mum. She moaned blissfully. At some point she cried out loudly: "Aaahhh... how deep... ! More!!!" Anton, encouraged by such gratitude, began to ravish his mother. Her full breasts swayed in time with Anton's movements, and her mouth was periodically occupied by Zhenya or Sergei, who had regained his strength. Mum sucked them diligently. On her face was inexpressible bliss. She loved being a whore. After Anton cummed, Zhenya took his place. Mum wriggled her ass and he started to fuck her from behind without any resistance. Anton sat next to him and smoked, and Sergei, with his eyes closed, enjoyed his mother's blowjob. Mum liked to give herself to this pack of males. Her make-up was completely smeared and made her look even more fucked up. She was being fucked by three men. Greedily. Fiercely. But this wasn't sex with some street hooker, it was with a woman of the first class. A negligee, great big breasts, beautiful long legs in black stockings, big round arse.... Goddess. Aphrodite. But no. That's my mum. A faithful wife who loves her husband very much. Gianni continued to methodically fuck my mum. The sweet atmosphere of sex and filled the kitchen. Gianni began to increase the pace dramatically. Mum's moans echoed throughout the flat. - I can't take it anymore. - Zhenya whimpered through his teeth and made a couple of frictions and cummed directly into my mum. Just a few seconds later Sergei with a wild roar spurted straight into Mum's mouth. She barely had time to swallow all his cum. Drops of white liquid remained in the corners of her mouth. An exhausted Zhenya plumped down on the sofa. Mum stood on the table and leaned on Sergei's arm and sat on the sofa. A blissful lecherous smile made her face incredibly arousing. - Boys pour the lady some champagne. - In a weak and satisfied voice Mum whispered softly. Having drunk a glass mum tried to get up, but apparently alcohol and half an hour of sex with three men had exhausted her. - Oh, I think I'm really drunk. I'm sleepy. - Mum got up and walked towards the bedroom. - Shh, shh, shh. we'll show you out. - Sergei was right there. Taking Mum by the waist on the right side, Zhenya jumped up and hugged her on the left. - Mmm... boys... how gallant you are. - With a very unsteady gait, clacking her heels, Mum accompanied by her beau went into the bedroom.
I quickly moved there and hid behind the curtain. Igor was already asleep there. Mum was laid next to him. Sergei took off her shoes, covered her with a blanket and kissed her tenderly. "How I love her" he sighed deeply. Zhenya started to wake Igor - Get up, we have to go. - Yes, yes. Now. - Igor mumbled in a sleepy voice. - Come on, we're waiting. Sergei and Zhenya left the bedroom. Igor stretched, fixing his long hair. He wanted to get up, but noticed his mum sleeping next to him. One of her legs was out from under the blanket. He started stroking his mum's thigh. He pulled down the blanket, freeing her breasts from the negligee, swallowed, put his hand on the soft supple flesh, began to knead Mum's tits. Totally throwing the duvet off her, he began to unbutton his trousers. Mum began to moan through her sleep and moved towards Igor's hands. She didn't realise at all what was happening. There was a strong smell of fresh alcohol in the bedroom. Igor unzipped his fly and pulled out his hard cock, sinking his lips into Mum's lips and pushing himself down on top of her. Mum responded to the kiss and they began kissing passionately. Igor covered her neck, her breasts with kisses. Like young lovers afraid of being seen, they hurried to merge into one. - I want you so much. - Igor said. - Mmm... I want you, darling. - Mum whispered passionately. She spread her legs and let Igor in. He entered mum sharply and a muffled moan escaped her lips - "uuuhhhh..... mmm." I could see Igor's back, his intense thrusts inside Mum, her legs in stockings around Igor's waist and her nails digging into his back. Igor was powerfully entering Mum and with each thrust the bed creaked and banged against the wall, and only soft "ah... ah... ah... ah" came out of Mum. I'm sure Mum didn't even know who was fucking her. Husband, neighbour, colleague, old man, macho man. It didn't matter to her - she wanted a cock inside her and it was there and fucked her, and who possessed her wasn't important at all. - Well, will you be there soon?" Zhenya looked into the room and saw Igor on top of Mum, intensively driving his stake into Mum. - Yes... yes... already now. hissed Igor. - Oooohhhh. - Mum let out a long moan. After that Igor immediately cummed. Zhenya smiled and walked out, closing the door. Igor got up, quickly got dressed, slapped Mum on the arse, smiled evasively and left. Mum slept as if nothing had happened, as if no sex had taken place and it was just a dream. In the corridor I could hear the sounds of jackets zipping up and the voices of guys. - Leha, when did you go to bed? - When it all started. It must not be nice to watch your mother being fucked. - I'd also fuck his girlfriend Oksana. Nice nipple. They laughed quietly and after a few words they opened the door and left. It was getting light outside the window. P. S all comments and suggestions to the address