Porno: Perbedaan revisi

Dari Yasunli Enterprise Software
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Her pussy smelled like chocolate<br>It was late... I took the metro home from the party. The yellow line of the St. Petersburg metro. I don't like it. Running down the escalator, I was thinking only about how not to miss the last train. And at the very last moment I run into the closing doors.... phew. I made it. I hurriedly sat down on the seat. There was a girl sitting across from me. The locks of her dark hair went down below her shoulders, [ Kiss] over her chest.... Hmm... I don't know why I suddenly started looking at her. Tall... 5'10", white tank top, short denim skirt. Leg tucked over her leg. She was sitting there fiddling with her phone and clearly didn't see me looking at her. I was getting a little carried away. It must have been the alcohol, of which I had a decent amount. Mmm. What legs she's got. long, shapely. just like in the adverts. She must be a [ model]. I looked at her from the bottom to the top. And I stopped at her breasts. Yeah, she clearly despised bras. But with her breasts, she could afford one. Looking at her nipples protruding from her white tank top, I started to get turned on. It was such a beautiful sight. Suddenly this dark-haired beauty takes her leg off her knee and sits up straight. Her legs are spread out there. I start to stare at her more and more. And my keen eye sees that she's not wearing any panties either. That started to drive me crazy. By the way, I wasn't wearing any either. it was hot. the skirt was tight... but at least it was loose. I kept staring at her crotch, biting my plump lip. That's what she caught me doing. I started thinking about what to do. Shamefully hide my eyes or... But her question interrupted my thoughts. - I see you're enjoying yourself. - Yes," I said with a sigh. - Well, then watch this. And suddenly she bent her magnificent leg at the knee and put it on the seat, to the right of herself.... What a view! Smooth, pink lips beckoned to me. There wasn't a hair on her pubis. She lightly moved her hand and pulled her folds apart, exposing her clitoris..... I caught my breath. She began to run her long finger over it. Slowly and very gracefully. Then she took that finger in her mouth and ran her tongue over it, and started caressing herself lower and lower, going a little into her vagina. I got dizzy. My mind was jumbled. I started stroking my breasts, squeezing my nipples. I bit my lips, enjoying the view. Alcohol and lust started to do its work. And I took the same position as my beauty. I started caressing myself in front of this stranger in the underground carriage! It started to drive me crazy. - Come to me," her voice sounded like thunder in my ears. I stood up and took a couple of steps. As I approached her, I crouched down on the floor on my knees. My face was level with her pee-pee. She moved her finger harder and harder. I couldn't hold back any longer, I took her hand away and touched her clit with my tongue. Her pussy smelled like chocolate. What a stupefying smell! I felt dizzy for a moment, but I dug my lips harder into her nubbin. She let out a long sigh. She obviously liked what I was doing. I began to run my tongue over her pussy. MM. so sweet! I've wanted to caress a woman for so long! And now it was happening. I caressed her greedily, as if she was about to be taken away from me. My naughty tongue began to climb into her vagina. With my finger I caressed her clit. - Come inside me," she demanded. I licked my fingers, looking into her big green eyes, and began to enter her quietly, first with one finger and then with the other. I moved them faster and faster, coming out of her almost completely and forcefully back in. She moved forward a little, exposing her other hole to my face. It was so small, so pink, that I immediately started caressing it with my tongue. My girlfriend moaned out loud. We had already travelled a couple of stops, and luckily no one entered the stations. Although I don't think we would have been embarrassed by anyone, it felt so good. I was licking her hole, pounding her cunt with my fingers, but I wanted her to lick me so badly that I pulled my fingers out of her, knelt down on the seat, pulled her down with my hands so that she could reach my crotch with her tongue. I pulled up my short skirt. She licked herself. She grabbed my bottom with both hands and pulled me closer to her. How I've been waiting for this moment! And here this beautiful lady was on my clit! I thought I was going to cum right away. But no... she wouldn't let me! Ah... how she licked! Her tongue was everywhere at once!<br>Her fingers reached into me, and she began to pound me passionately. I couldn't hold back my screams... it felt so good. It seemed that my secretions should already start flowing down my legs, so much of them.... But she licked it all up, every last drop. I came. I screamed so hard, [ Orgia] the emotions couldn't hold in me any longer. We sat down next to each other and started stroking each other, getting under our clothes, caressing our legs. And almost simultaneously we started stroking our pussies again. How wonderful it was... We kissed. We wanted each other even more, we just couldn't let go. But all good things come to an end. We reached the final stop. We had to get off. Holding hands, we got out of the carriage. The escalator was empty, so I decided to do a little more goodbye. Spreading her legs, I started pounding her pussy with my fingers, caressing her clit with my other hand. She moaned harder and harder and finally cummed. I pulled out my wet fingers and let her lick them. They smelled like chocolate, but the smell of sex was added to it.... By the metro we kissed passionately, exchanged phone numbers and agreed to meet at my place sometime. But that's another story.
如果朋友碰巧突然...<br>我想分享一下我的故事。在很长一段时间里,我都想忘掉这件事,后来不知怎么的,我就释然了,而现在,我已经结婚很久了,马上就要有第二个孩子了,我甚至喜欢上了这件事。这一切都发生在上世纪  [ Mädchen] 90 [ Nadużycie] 年代,当时我在体育学院二系学习。我住在宿舍里,因为我从一个小镇来到了该地区的首府。当时国家的状况众所周知,除了饥饿、危机和失业之外,性生活也开始了。对了,我们四个人住一间房,算上我。我们都来自农村,都很兴奋、阴暗、疯狂。我们甚至不知道性,也不知道从国外传到我们国家的所有事情。到了第二年 我们坐在一起干些蠢事 突然,宿舍里一阵骚动:一个外国学生带来了一些东西。我们没去,我们知道他会来卖给我们。于是他来了,我们以为他会卖衣服。但他突然拿出一个盒子,上面有一个裸体女人,然后晃了晃:这就是你们想要的!色情 我们当然不明白。他开始向我们解释里面有什么,怎么弄的。我和我的孩子们听得津津有味,以至于都兴奋起来了(因为是体育学院,我们都穿着短裤,所以你可以看到男人们是如何站起来的)。总之,我们洗来洗去,东拼西凑,几乎把所有的东西都送出去了。还有一个问题:看什么?我们去借了播放器,买了一包通心粉,很不耐烦。我们打开了色情电影,当时还不完全明白那是什么。这时,屏幕上出现了一个乳房有三围的婊子,她开始贪婪地抚摸自己多毛的阴部,大声呻吟,抚摸自己的乳房。突然,四根阴茎就像命中注定一样,几乎撕裂了短裤。荡妇继续贪婪地爱抚着自己,我们也逐渐不由自主地开始套弄坚硬无比的鸡巴。然后,我们都迅速脱掉短裤,开始手淫。我还记得当时我是多么贪婪地撸动着我的巨棒,我已经筋疲力尽,只想把这个金发女郎插进去。男人们也不甘落后,在某些方面还取得了成功。在这里,美女已经满头大汗,我也从疯狂的高潮中兴奋起来,准备发射精液,但突然一切都被关掉了。可能是播放器的原因,也可能是光盘的原因,什么都没有了。这让我们感到了人生中最糟糕的时刻。与此同时,所有的人都开始兴奋起来,即将达到令人愉悦的高潮。我们互相看了看,又看了看乐器,然后又看了看我们自己。我们的眼睛在想:我们该把这些热量放到哪里去?出路只有一个。我以前从未有过同性恋幻想,但在我的品味引导下,我总是注意到男人中的帅哥。当我上体育课时,宿舍里就有了一个帅哥,对我来说,这只是一个标准。他叫尼基塔,比我小一岁,肌肉发达,但非常瘦弱。后来,他让我想起了色情片里的一个演员,他扮演的是一个看着别人出轨而自己也参与其中的人。我总是忘记他的名字。考虑到这一事实,再加上我的性兴奋,再加上他就坐在我旁边,再加上他的阴茎是全公司最大的,我立刻用手握住他的阴茎,开始猛烈地撸动起来。大伙儿都迫不及待地看着我撸管。撸了很久之后,尼基塔直接射在了我的脸上。我再也停不下来,扑到他的阴茎上。与此同时,我们中最兴奋的那个人,在我们看来只是一个性爱巨人,现在谦虚地偎依着他的小弟弟,开始兴致勃勃地撸起了我的鸡巴。第四个人,也就是院长的儿子,当场吓得跳了起来,跑出了房间。然而,我们并没有停止,而是更加积极地做爱。在这样的姿势下呆了很久之后,我们仿佛融为一体,在没有事先串通的情况下,我们组成了如下的图形:尼基塔站了起来,我开始从后面插入,而那个运动员则开始强迫癌症患者口交。他别无选择,只能粗暴地吸吮。就在我们把尼基塔弄得满身是洞的时候,院长的儿子跑了过来,他从女生宿舍叫来了三个最粗野的女人,他非常兴奋,尾随而至,希望能和她们做爱。这三个女人喝得醉醺醺的,只顾着兴奋。这家伙意识到有必要勾搭一下,于是利索地把其中一个最性感的女人扔在沙发上,开始插入她的身体。当我正准备向尼基塔释放液体时,眼角的余光看到了这一幕。剩下的两个女人拿出相机,开始给我们拍照。在此期间,我和那两个家伙干完了,回过神来,还没完全意识到自己干了什么,就带着半醉的小妞离开了,留下那个告密者干那个妓女。<br>后来发生了一桩可怕的丑闻:原来那个女人在吸毒,而告密者只是帮助她离开了人世。她死了,而他,就像他们在医院告诉我们的那样,又花了 15  [ Pige] 分钟踢尸体。我们在大学里大吵了一架。他开始辩解说我们在这里搞同性恋。我们一脸茫然,只好相信他。同性恋是什么鬼东西?两个女人证实,她们只看到了她们的朋友和这个男人(我们知道我们有目击证人,所以在离开房间后,我们立刻狠狠地干了她们,这样到了早上,她们就非常怀疑她们看到了我们是同性恋)。那个男人的案子被掩盖了,但他被大学开除了。最后,我意识到这个国家已经完蛋了,于是转到了一所普通大学。后来,我和那两个女人中的一个交往了很长时间。她在 [ Mädchen] 98 年的一次聚会上吸毒过量去世了。我结婚生子了,但我还保留着我们三人行的老照片。我常常希望有一天能见到他,然后好好干他一顿!

Revisi per 11 September 2024 02.42

我想分享一下我的故事。在很长一段时间里,我都想忘掉这件事,后来不知怎么的,我就释然了,而现在,我已经结婚很久了,马上就要有第二个孩子了,我甚至喜欢上了这件事。这一切都发生在上世纪 Mädchen 90 Nadużycie 年代,当时我在体育学院二系学习。我住在宿舍里,因为我从一个小镇来到了该地区的首府。当时国家的状况众所周知,除了饥饿、危机和失业之外,性生活也开始了。对了,我们四个人住一间房,算上我。我们都来自农村,都很兴奋、阴暗、疯狂。我们甚至不知道性,也不知道从国外传到我们国家的所有事情。到了第二年 我们坐在一起干些蠢事 突然,宿舍里一阵骚动:一个外国学生带来了一些东西。我们没去,我们知道他会来卖给我们。于是他来了,我们以为他会卖衣服。但他突然拿出一个盒子,上面有一个裸体女人,然后晃了晃:这就是你们想要的!色情 我们当然不明白。他开始向我们解释里面有什么,怎么弄的。我和我的孩子们听得津津有味,以至于都兴奋起来了(因为是体育学院,我们都穿着短裤,所以你可以看到男人们是如何站起来的)。总之,我们洗来洗去,东拼西凑,几乎把所有的东西都送出去了。还有一个问题:看什么?我们去借了播放器,买了一包通心粉,很不耐烦。我们打开了色情电影,当时还不完全明白那是什么。这时,屏幕上出现了一个乳房有三围的婊子,她开始贪婪地抚摸自己多毛的阴部,大声呻吟,抚摸自己的乳房。突然,四根阴茎就像命中注定一样,几乎撕裂了短裤。荡妇继续贪婪地爱抚着自己,我们也逐渐不由自主地开始套弄坚硬无比的鸡巴。然后,我们都迅速脱掉短裤,开始手淫。我还记得当时我是多么贪婪地撸动着我的巨棒,我已经筋疲力尽,只想把这个金发女郎插进去。男人们也不甘落后,在某些方面还取得了成功。在这里,美女已经满头大汗,我也从疯狂的高潮中兴奋起来,准备发射精液,但突然一切都被关掉了。可能是播放器的原因,也可能是光盘的原因,什么都没有了。这让我们感到了人生中最糟糕的时刻。与此同时,所有的人都开始兴奋起来,即将达到令人愉悦的高潮。我们互相看了看,又看了看乐器,然后又看了看我们自己。我们的眼睛在想:我们该把这些热量放到哪里去?出路只有一个。我以前从未有过同性恋幻想,但在我的品味引导下,我总是注意到男人中的帅哥。当我上体育课时,宿舍里就有了一个帅哥,对我来说,这只是一个标准。他叫尼基塔,比我小一岁,肌肉发达,但非常瘦弱。后来,他让我想起了色情片里的一个演员,他扮演的是一个看着别人出轨而自己也参与其中的人。我总是忘记他的名字。考虑到这一事实,再加上我的性兴奋,再加上他就坐在我旁边,再加上他的阴茎是全公司最大的,我立刻用手握住他的阴茎,开始猛烈地撸动起来。大伙儿都迫不及待地看着我撸管。撸了很久之后,尼基塔直接射在了我的脸上。我再也停不下来,扑到他的阴茎上。与此同时,我们中最兴奋的那个人,在我们看来只是一个性爱巨人,现在谦虚地偎依着他的小弟弟,开始兴致勃勃地撸起了我的鸡巴。第四个人,也就是院长的儿子,当场吓得跳了起来,跑出了房间。然而,我们并没有停止,而是更加积极地做爱。在这样的姿势下呆了很久之后,我们仿佛融为一体,在没有事先串通的情况下,我们组成了如下的图形:尼基塔站了起来,我开始从后面插入,而那个运动员则开始强迫癌症患者口交。他别无选择,只能粗暴地吸吮。就在我们把尼基塔弄得满身是洞的时候,院长的儿子跑了过来,他从女生宿舍叫来了三个最粗野的女人,他非常兴奋,尾随而至,希望能和她们做爱。这三个女人喝得醉醺醺的,只顾着兴奋。这家伙意识到有必要勾搭一下,于是利索地把其中一个最性感的女人扔在沙发上,开始插入她的身体。当我正准备向尼基塔释放液体时,眼角的余光看到了这一幕。剩下的两个女人拿出相机,开始给我们拍照。在此期间,我和那两个家伙干完了,回过神来,还没完全意识到自己干了什么,就带着半醉的小妞离开了,留下那个告密者干那个妓女。
后来发生了一桩可怕的丑闻:原来那个女人在吸毒,而告密者只是帮助她离开了人世。她死了,而他,就像他们在医院告诉我们的那样,又花了 15 Pige 分钟踢尸体。我们在大学里大吵了一架。他开始辩解说我们在这里搞同性恋。我们一脸茫然,只好相信他。同性恋是什么鬼东西?两个女人证实,她们只看到了她们的朋友和这个男人(我们知道我们有目击证人,所以在离开房间后,我们立刻狠狠地干了她们,这样到了早上,她们就非常怀疑她们看到了我们是同性恋)。那个男人的案子被掩盖了,但他被大学开除了。最后,我意识到这个国家已经完蛋了,于是转到了一所普通大学。后来,我和那两个女人中的一个交往了很长时间。她在 Mädchen 98 年的一次聚会上吸毒过量去世了。我结婚生子了,但我还保留着我们三人行的老照片。我常常希望有一天能见到他,然后好好干他一顿!