Porno: Perbedaan revisi

Dari Yasunli Enterprise Software
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当着丈夫的面操妻子<br>[ Девушка] 星期六,我们和丈夫从海滩回来。在我们家附近,有人喊他。原来是他在部队的朋友奥列格和他的战友瓦迪姆。一开始还是像往常一样--多少年了,多少个冬天。安德烈想和奥列格聊聊天,奥列格提议到我们家坐坐。奥列格和瓦迪姆都同意了。我也同意了,虽然我有点累,想休息一下。我能去哪儿呢?他们去了商店,然后回家。我赶紧洗了个澡,换了身衣服--上衣和短裤。洗完澡后,我感觉很好。我煮了点东西。他们来的时候,几乎一切都准备好了。我们坐在桌边,为会议和军队的朋友们喝酒,等等。很快我就觉得无聊了,于是我建议瓦迪姆跳支舞。我丈夫和奥列格聊啊聊,偶尔到阳台上抽烟。我们不顾音乐,跳起了慢舞。酒过三巡,男人们还想继续。我们喝了很多,但是...... 瓦迪姆跑去了商店 晚会继续 安德烈和奥列格都消失在阳台上,我们都在跳舞。酒精对每个人都起了作用,瓦迪姆开始有点放纵--跳舞时他开始把手放在我的屁股上。我首先要求他不要这样做。他假装听不懂。然后我开始举起他放在我腰上的手。这样的游戏持续了很久,最后我觉得无聊了。我把他的手留在了我的屁股上。看到我屈服了,他开始抚摸我的臀部,并轻轻揉捏。舞蹈结束后,我去了厨房。我把沙拉放在盘子里,透过敞开的窗户听到了丈夫和奥列格的对话。谈话内容是关于我的。我对他们的谈话很感兴趣,就靠近窗户想听得更清楚一些。这时瓦迪姆走进厨房,说要帮忙。我只好和他一起进了房间,我也不知道谈话是怎么结束的。我们又开始跳舞了。音乐缓慢悦耳,我搂着瓦迪姆的脖子,闭上眼睛,把头靠在他的肩膀上。他在我耳边给我讲故事,他的手在全速耍流氓--一只手放在我的屁股上,轻轻地揉着。他的另一只手从我的上衣下面伸进去,试图把我的上衣稍微掀起来。我厌倦了他的举动,于是停止了跳舞,坐在了桌边。几分钟后,安德烈和奥列格出现了。我们又开始喝酒。祝酒词接踵而至。安德烈不知道为什么带了相机。奥列格去阳台抽烟了,瓦迪姆也跟着去了,不过他好像不抽烟。然后我们又喝了起来。奥列格请我跳舞。跳舞时,他给我讲笑话,我笑了。不知道为什么,当时我觉得这些笑话很好笑。安德烈开始拍摄我们 然后奥列格换成了瓦迪姆 然后我们又喝酒,又跳舞。跳舞的时候,奥列格和瓦迪姆都厚着脸皮捏我的屁股。我斜眼看了看安德烈,他正在拍摄这一切。奇怪,我想,这不像他。他以前从来没有这么放肆过。我搂着奥列格的脖子,把头靠在他的肩膀上,这种情况让我有点兴奋--我已经在我丈夫面前被摸了!而他却一言不发!而且,他还把这一切都拍了下来!突然,我感觉有人从后面压住了我。我发现自己被挤在两个男人中间,就像被老虎钳夹住了一样。我睁开眼睛,微微转过头,是瓦迪姆。我又看了看安德烈,他正在默默地拍摄这一切。我再次闭上眼睛,想把头靠在奥列格的肩膀上。但就在这时,我们的嘴唇碰到了一起。他开始吻我,奇怪的是,我没有挣脱,反而回应了他的吻。瓦迪姆的手放在我的胸前,在这种情况下我什么也做不了。然后他的手伸进了我的上衣下面,我起了一身鸡皮疙瘩!然后上衣开始往上翘,现在已经到了腋下的某个地方。他的手又放在了我的乳房上,我...... 感觉非常好 奥列格停止亲吻我,握住我的上衣,开始往我头上拉。我放开他的脖子,让他把上衣从我身上扯下来。我就这样赤裸着乳房。我看了一眼安德烈,他一言不发,正在拍摄一切。他的手在微微颤抖!奥列格的手向下爬,他拉开拉链,开始脱我的短裤和内裤。越脱越低 然后掉到我的脚下 我把一条腿从里面抽出来,另一条腿把它们扔到一边。奥列格又开始吻我了。我就这样一丝不挂地站在两个男人中间 和其中一个接吻  [ Hardcore] 瓦迪姆用一只手捏着我的乳房,另一只手从我的腹部往下滑。他的手已经伸进了我的裤裆。而我的丈夫却沉默不语 我把腿张开了一点 他的手指已经伸进去了。我把头往后仰,靠在瓦迪姆的肩膀上。奥列格给我的肩膀施加了一点压力,迫使我蹲下。<br>然后,我看到他的阴茎矗立在我眼前!他什么时候弄出来的?我看了一眼我丈夫,他正睁大眼睛盯着我们。然后我注意到他的腹股沟处有一个巨大的凸起。他硬了 我用手握住奥列格的阴茎,张开嘴开始吸吮。瓦迪姆揉搓着我的乳房 然后握住我的另一只手,放在他的鸡巴上 我松开奥列格的鸡巴,先转向我丈夫,看着他的眼睛,然后转向瓦迪姆。他的鸡巴更大。我张开嘴,开始给他口交。奥列格把我抱起来,我不得不让瓦迪姆的鸡巴离开我的嘴。他把我搂在怀里,抱进卧室。他把我放在床上,分开我的双腿,进入我的身体。卧室的灯亮了,我看到瓦迪姆和安德烈走了进来。安德烈还在拍摄正在发生的一切。奥列格正在和我做爱,而这两个人正在观看,其中一个还是我的丈夫,这让我忍不住射了出来。很快,奥列格开始在我体内射精。射完后,他让位给瓦迪姆 瓦迪姆干我的时候 我射了好几次 这在我身上从未发生过 他也射在我里面了 他去了另一个房间 我筋疲力尽地躺在床上 不敢相信发生了什么事 我在我丈夫面前被两个我几乎不认识的男人干了!他甚至一句话都没说 而我 我去浴室想把它穿上 奥列格不让我戴 把它拿走了 还说了些什么 我洗了个澡 用浴巾裹着回到房间 我在桌边坐下,奥列格拉着我的手。我顺从地坐在他腿上,他扯下我的浴巾。- 我很冷。- 我会让你暖和起来的。他开始亲吻我的乳房,过了一会儿,他的右手伸进了我的裤裆。我还想要 - 她又想要了 来吧,宝贝 他把我带到卧室 我坐在床上,他脱下裤子 他的鸡巴出来了 他把它放在我嘴边 - 宝贝,用你的嘴 我用手握住他的阴茎,微微张开嘴,让部分龟头进入,然后开始吮吸。我脑子里乱七八糟地想着各种事情。结婚以来,我为丈夫口交的次数屈指可数。而现在,我第二次为一个几小时前才认识的男人口交。我喜欢这样!我越吞越深,但奥列格阻止了我:  [ Bryster] - "停下 你做得太过了。他把我放在床上,我张开双腿。瓦迪姆出现在门口,看着我们。由于被注视着,我非常兴奋。奥列格来了之后,瓦迪姆取代了他的位置。奥列格站了一会儿就离开了房间。瓦迪姆以相当快的速度干着我,我已经濒临高潮了。这时,安德烈出现在房间里,靠近床边,盯着我看。在他的注视下,我射了。很快,瓦迪姆也射了,他起身离开了房间。安德烈站着看着我,我躺在他面前,张开双腿。突然,出乎我的意料,他掏出鸡巴,插进了我的身体。在瓦迪姆之后,我甚至感觉不到了。我的丈夫不需要太多时间,几乎立刻就开始在我体内射精。他离开了房间,我没有力气站起来。我把手放在两腿之间--精液正从我体内流出,但我没有力气去洗手间。房间里传来了声音和笑声。我听得如痴如醉。很快,奥列格走进房间,走到我身边。- 你还好吗?- ... - 我马上回来 很快他又出现了 手里拿着一个杯子 我丈夫也跟着出现了 - 喝吧 我站起来,一口喝光了杯子里的酒。他对我丈夫说了些什么,然后就走了。他回来后,给了奥列格一些东西。奥列格来到我身边,把我翻了个身 他抬起我的屁股,分开我的双腿。一个冰冷的东西压在了我的屁股上,下一刻,一阵剧痛袭来。我哭喊着,试图趴着。但我做不到。- 在肚子下面垫个枕头。我丈夫立即满足了他的要求。现在,我的腹部躺在枕头上,屁股暴露在他的阴茎面前。我的泪水夺眶而出 奥列格把他的阴茎拔了出来,马上又猛地插了进去。我无法从他身上下来,枕头挡住了我。他越插越深,然后停了下来。过了一会儿,他开始来回运动。瓦迪姆出现了,他坐在我旁边的床上。奥列格把他的阴茎从我体内抽出,拿掉枕头。瓦迪姆仰面躺着,我被放在他的阴茎上。奥列格把自己放在我的上面和后面,又把他的鸡巴插进了我的屁眼。两根阴茎同时在我体内运动,这真是一种刺激.....。我以前从未体验过这种感觉....。然后,我感觉到一根鸡巴插入了我张开的嘴里。第一个射精的是奥列格,然后是我丈夫。他们去了另一个房间。瓦迪姆把我从他的鸡巴上抱下来,让我仰面躺着。<br>他把鸡巴对准我的肛门,用力往下压。又疼了,我甚至尖叫起来。但这并没有阻止他。他越插越深 然后他开始做一些渐进的动作。我痛苦地嚎叫着,然后咬住了自己的手。当他完成并离开我的身体时,我倒在了床上。有人走进房间,站在床边,然后走了出来。我躺在床上,想着今天发生在我身上的事情。今天我有很多发现!我给人吹箫,我喜欢这样;我被人干屁眼;我被两个男人同时干,我也喜欢这样。奥列格和瓦迪姆回来了。瓦迪姆抬起我的屁股,又开始干我。奥列格站在一旁看着。然后安德烈出现了 又疼又... 愉悦 他射了 奥列格接替了他的位置 但在瓦迪姆之后... 然后他把我转过来面对他 把他的鸡巴放进我嘴里 拽着我的头发 开始在我嘴里做爱.... 我醒来时已经很晚了 一切都很痛苦 安德烈正坐在他的笔记本电脑前看东西。当他看到我时,他问我: - "你还记得昨天发生的事吗?- 不全记得了。- 过来看看。他打开了录像带。我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,难道这一切真的发生在我身上?我们都沉默了很久。无话可说。突然,他问我: - 你喜欢吗?- 我问她。我沉默了一会儿,说:喜欢 - 你想再来一次吗?- 如果 你不介意的话
If you knew how many people thought you were gay, you wouldn't joke like that<br>Have you ever smoked pot? It affects everyone differently, someone gets a "ha-ha" effect,  [ Seks] someone starts to think about something and gets really worked up about something, someone just gets high and thus relaxes from problems, and someone probably sits on it and can't imagine his day without a joint. To each his own. My friend and I are not junkies, but we like to smoke from time to time. Rather, my mate likes it,  [ Kælling] and I just like the company. He always tells me that smoking alone is a bore, and if I refuse, he will beat me. And after these words on his face always appears a smile, and his hands are already filling the cigarette with the necessary ingredients. I'll be honest, I could rarely resist his smile. When he smiles, it's like something in my stomach clenches, and I... I'm willing to go along with anything and everything. He obviously doesn't know that, maybe he guesses, but he doesn't know for sure. I also love his car. Having a best friend with such a sweet smile and a car. it's the ultimate dream come true. If we look a little deeper into our relationship, we've been friends since primary school, even though we were in different classes. He's a year older than me, but that didn't stop us from hanging out together at recess even at school. We grew up together, tried our first beer together, ran outside the school together to smoke,  [ Amatør] and so on. I remember there was one moment that I consider a turning point in my perception of our friendship. While that's a bit of an exaggeration, you have to agree, we often see meaning where there is none. Whatever. Anyway, we were just walking, with him on the street, loitering like normal teenagers loitering on the street in their free time,  [ Kælling] and a few girls from his class were walking towards us. I didn't know their names, but I'd often seen Mark talking to them. So one of them shouted at us that we were like a sweet couple going everywhere together, and that we should get married. I hugged my friend approvingly and added that maybe we would get married soon. I'll never forget what he said to me as we walked away from those laughing girls: "If you knew how many people thought you were gay, you wouldn't joke about it. That phrase really hit me hard, to the point where I started digging into myself, and when you dig, you're bound to find something terrible. You can't just wake up and say to yourself, "Yes, I'm gay." First you have to understand all these feelings, thoughts, echoes of incipient desires, and then you have to panic. So, after those very words, I began to think about who I really am. And the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I liked Mark a lot more than just a friend. And then it got worse. Mark started to get girls, we went out together less often, and I just didn't find a reason to call him often. We were drifting apart, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated. So over time, we began to meet more often, and my "grown-up" body and mind began to try to please my friend in every way possible, whatever he could think of. Mark parked his car in the yard away from the roadway and immediately took out a cigarette, shook all the tobacco out of it over the window, took out a packet with a plan, carefully stuffed the contents of the packet into the empty cigarette, twisted the tip and moistened the paper with his tongue liberally so that the joint would not burn too quickly. Watching Mark work his tongue was particularly pleasurable, his lips, mouth and to some extent his tongue were a kind of tidbit that warmed my soul and made my stomach react in some special way. Mark handed me a joint, took out his fancy lighter with the flip-up cap that burns until you close it back up, and at that very moment the interior of the car lit up with a bright flame. I put the cigarette to my lips and reached for the fire. There are so many ways to smoke weed that it would take a lot of time to describe them alone, so let's focus on one that I particularly liked. It's called "vaping." It's when one person takes a joint in their mouth, burning side inwards, clamping the filter with their lips, and exhales the smoke into the mouth of the other person, who at that moment leans as close to your lips as possible. Kind of like kissing without touching. As you understand, this method is special for me, and every time Mark exhales smoke into my mouth, I gently put my hand on his shoulder, as if controlling his actions, so that no "smoke" is wasted. Taking my first puff, I handed the joint to my friend. Mark followed my example and took a puff, and after a couple of seconds, he stepped forward to me, flipping the cigarette, suggesting that I "take it".<br>I didn't need to be asked twice, and on automatic, my hand reached for his shoulder, but at some point it landed gently on his neck, and Mark jerked a little, but didn't pull away. After finishing, we sat in the car with the windows closed, without letting the smoke out, and just "cooked" in it, until we were completely intoxicated. It didn't take much time, and then Mark's face curved into his trademark smile and we laughed. Shall I tell you what weed does to me? It sharpens and heightens my perception of anything I might be excited about at the moment, and this particular time I was looking at Mark's lips and they were turning me on. At first my inner voice said: "how beautiful they are", then a slight shiver ran through my body, my stomach began to tingle a little, and my dick it started to rise. I don't think I would have cared much about this process when I was sober, but at the moment the weight of my cock was a good reason to tense up and think about it twice as hard. Mark leaned back in his chair a little, took out a regular cigarette and started smoking, telling me something. I didn't really listen to him, I was so overwhelmed that all the words flew past me. After smoking, he opened the window, pushed the cigarette butt out of the small hole, and then closed it again, not letting the fresh air disperse the smoke that filled all the free space in the car. And it was at that very moment that I abruptly went over to my friend and kissed him. Like I said, the senses are heightened, and that touch of his lips was something unreal. They were soft, a little dry and tinged with tobacco bitterness. The kiss wasn't long, only a couple of seconds, but for me it was the longest seconds in the world. Pulling away from him, I immediately noticed the way his eyes rounded. Mark was staring at me like he'd seen a ghost, not making a sound, just staring, afraid to move. Then I decided to act for sure, and touched his neck very gently with my fingertips. The boy shuddered and his lips, which had been tightly pressed together all this time, opened slightly, allowing him to exhale, and then I kissed him for real, penetrating his mouth with my tongue, pulling his lips apart and wetting them with my saliva. Mark gave in to my manipulations and began to move his tongue too. We kissed for several minutes. During that time, my hand was already well under his t-shirt, touching his firm belly and nipples. Mark was well-built, and I had always wanted to run my hand over his stomach, which I easily did without any resistance. Mark was trembling with excitement. He pulled off his T-shirt, tossed it into the back seat of the car, and pulled the lever securing the seat sharply. The back of the seat slid smoothly backwards, and now Mark was in a reclining position, sliding his strong hand down the back of my neck and beginning to press down so that I could touch my lips to his chest. Step by step, kiss by kiss, I went lower and lower until the tart smell of a man's body hit my nose. Or rather, the underside of that body. The head of his penis was sticking out from under the belt of his jeans, giving me an idea of the overall size of his manhood. I hadn't expected this, and I briefly ran my tongue over the clear liquid that came out. Mark groaned and quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers, giving me more room to manoeuvre. I sucked for the first time, ineptly, assisted by my hand. Every now and then Mark put his hands on my head and pressed me down hard on his cock, holding me breathless and releasing me only when I wheezed and tried to pull away. He was both rough and gentle at the same time, and his cock was just a fucking tool. He came quickly. In my mouth. Without warning, and without making hardly a sound, he just breathed a little more intensely and pressed my head against his. I had to swallow. And when his grip loosened, and I was able to take his cock out of my mouth, and some of the cum started running down the shaft. Even now it was hard to think that he was able to fit all of it inside me. It was very big indeed. Mark took out a cigarette with a satisfied mien and started smoking, putting his trousers back on and returning the car seat to its place. Afterwards, as if nothing had happened, he suggested we stop off at the supermarket and get something to eat. I agreed. To tell you the truth, I wasn't hurt by his non-involvement. I got what I wanted. I wanted to please him. I didn't even think about mutual caresses at that moment. I was afraid that after he was done, our relationship would falter and everything would fall apart, but that didn't happen. We still talked, we still crossed paths, we still hung out in his car in the evenings. And sometimes he could just flip the back of the chair back without a word, and my lips would be clutching his cock.

Revisi per 11 September 2024 02.22

If you knew how many people thought you were gay, you wouldn't joke like that
Have you ever smoked pot? It affects everyone differently, someone gets a "ha-ha" effect, Seks someone starts to think about something and gets really worked up about something, someone just gets high and thus relaxes from problems, and someone probably sits on it and can't imagine his day without a joint. To each his own. My friend and I are not junkies, but we like to smoke from time to time. Rather, my mate likes it, Kælling and I just like the company. He always tells me that smoking alone is a bore, and if I refuse, he will beat me. And after these words on his face always appears a smile, and his hands are already filling the cigarette with the necessary ingredients. I'll be honest, I could rarely resist his smile. When he smiles, it's like something in my stomach clenches, and I... I'm willing to go along with anything and everything. He obviously doesn't know that, maybe he guesses, but he doesn't know for sure. I also love his car. Having a best friend with such a sweet smile and a car. it's the ultimate dream come true. If we look a little deeper into our relationship, we've been friends since primary school, even though we were in different classes. He's a year older than me, but that didn't stop us from hanging out together at recess even at school. We grew up together, tried our first beer together, ran outside the school together to smoke, Amatør and so on. I remember there was one moment that I consider a turning point in my perception of our friendship. While that's a bit of an exaggeration, you have to agree, we often see meaning where there is none. Whatever. Anyway, we were just walking, with him on the street, loitering like normal teenagers loitering on the street in their free time, Kælling and a few girls from his class were walking towards us. I didn't know their names, but I'd often seen Mark talking to them. So one of them shouted at us that we were like a sweet couple going everywhere together, and that we should get married. I hugged my friend approvingly and added that maybe we would get married soon. I'll never forget what he said to me as we walked away from those laughing girls: "If you knew how many people thought you were gay, you wouldn't joke about it. That phrase really hit me hard, to the point where I started digging into myself, and when you dig, you're bound to find something terrible. You can't just wake up and say to yourself, "Yes, I'm gay." First you have to understand all these feelings, thoughts, echoes of incipient desires, and then you have to panic. So, after those very words, I began to think about who I really am. And the more I thought about it, the more I realised that I liked Mark a lot more than just a friend. And then it got worse. Mark started to get girls, we went out together less often, and I just didn't find a reason to call him often. We were drifting apart, and I couldn't help but feel frustrated. So over time, we began to meet more often, and my "grown-up" body and mind began to try to please my friend in every way possible, whatever he could think of. Mark parked his car in the yard away from the roadway and immediately took out a cigarette, shook all the tobacco out of it over the window, took out a packet with a plan, carefully stuffed the contents of the packet into the empty cigarette, twisted the tip and moistened the paper with his tongue liberally so that the joint would not burn too quickly. Watching Mark work his tongue was particularly pleasurable, his lips, mouth and to some extent his tongue were a kind of tidbit that warmed my soul and made my stomach react in some special way. Mark handed me a joint, took out his fancy lighter with the flip-up cap that burns until you close it back up, and at that very moment the interior of the car lit up with a bright flame. I put the cigarette to my lips and reached for the fire. There are so many ways to smoke weed that it would take a lot of time to describe them alone, so let's focus on one that I particularly liked. It's called "vaping." It's when one person takes a joint in their mouth, burning side inwards, clamping the filter with their lips, and exhales the smoke into the mouth of the other person, who at that moment leans as close to your lips as possible. Kind of like kissing without touching. As you understand, this method is special for me, and every time Mark exhales smoke into my mouth, I gently put my hand on his shoulder, as if controlling his actions, so that no "smoke" is wasted. Taking my first puff, I handed the joint to my friend. Mark followed my example and took a puff, and after a couple of seconds, he stepped forward to me, flipping the cigarette, suggesting that I "take it".
I didn't need to be asked twice, and on automatic, my hand reached for his shoulder, but at some point it landed gently on his neck, and Mark jerked a little, but didn't pull away. After finishing, we sat in the car with the windows closed, without letting the smoke out, and just "cooked" in it, until we were completely intoxicated. It didn't take much time, and then Mark's face curved into his trademark smile and we laughed. Shall I tell you what weed does to me? It sharpens and heightens my perception of anything I might be excited about at the moment, and this particular time I was looking at Mark's lips and they were turning me on. At first my inner voice said: "how beautiful they are", then a slight shiver ran through my body, my stomach began to tingle a little, and my dick it started to rise. I don't think I would have cared much about this process when I was sober, but at the moment the weight of my cock was a good reason to tense up and think about it twice as hard. Mark leaned back in his chair a little, took out a regular cigarette and started smoking, telling me something. I didn't really listen to him, I was so overwhelmed that all the words flew past me. After smoking, he opened the window, pushed the cigarette butt out of the small hole, and then closed it again, not letting the fresh air disperse the smoke that filled all the free space in the car. And it was at that very moment that I abruptly went over to my friend and kissed him. Like I said, the senses are heightened, and that touch of his lips was something unreal. They were soft, a little dry and tinged with tobacco bitterness. The kiss wasn't long, only a couple of seconds, but for me it was the longest seconds in the world. Pulling away from him, I immediately noticed the way his eyes rounded. Mark was staring at me like he'd seen a ghost, not making a sound, just staring, afraid to move. Then I decided to act for sure, and touched his neck very gently with my fingertips. The boy shuddered and his lips, which had been tightly pressed together all this time, opened slightly, allowing him to exhale, and then I kissed him for real, penetrating his mouth with my tongue, pulling his lips apart and wetting them with my saliva. Mark gave in to my manipulations and began to move his tongue too. We kissed for several minutes. During that time, my hand was already well under his t-shirt, touching his firm belly and nipples. Mark was well-built, and I had always wanted to run my hand over his stomach, which I easily did without any resistance. Mark was trembling with excitement. He pulled off his T-shirt, tossed it into the back seat of the car, and pulled the lever securing the seat sharply. The back of the seat slid smoothly backwards, and now Mark was in a reclining position, sliding his strong hand down the back of my neck and beginning to press down so that I could touch my lips to his chest. Step by step, kiss by kiss, I went lower and lower until the tart smell of a man's body hit my nose. Or rather, the underside of that body. The head of his penis was sticking out from under the belt of his jeans, giving me an idea of the overall size of his manhood. I hadn't expected this, and I briefly ran my tongue over the clear liquid that came out. Mark groaned and quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his trousers, giving me more room to manoeuvre. I sucked for the first time, ineptly, assisted by my hand. Every now and then Mark put his hands on my head and pressed me down hard on his cock, holding me breathless and releasing me only when I wheezed and tried to pull away. He was both rough and gentle at the same time, and his cock was just a fucking tool. He came quickly. In my mouth. Without warning, and without making hardly a sound, he just breathed a little more intensely and pressed my head against his. I had to swallow. And when his grip loosened, and I was able to take his cock out of my mouth, and some of the cum started running down the shaft. Even now it was hard to think that he was able to fit all of it inside me. It was very big indeed. Mark took out a cigarette with a satisfied mien and started smoking, putting his trousers back on and returning the car seat to its place. Afterwards, as if nothing had happened, he suggested we stop off at the supermarket and get something to eat. I agreed. To tell you the truth, I wasn't hurt by his non-involvement. I got what I wanted. I wanted to please him. I didn't even think about mutual caresses at that moment. I was afraid that after he was done, our relationship would falter and everything would fall apart, but that didn't happen. We still talked, we still crossed paths, we still hung out in his car in the evenings. And sometimes he could just flip the back of the chair back without a word, and my lips would be clutching his cock.