Porno: Perbedaan revisi

Dari Yasunli Enterprise Software
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Ебут жену в присутствии мужа<br>В субботу возвращаемся с мужем с пляжа. Около нашего дома его кто-то окликнул. Оказался его армейский друг Олег с товарищем, которого зовут Вадим. Началось как обычно — сколько лет, столько зим. Андрею захотелось поболтать с Олегом, и он предложил зайти к нам в гости. Олег и Вадим были за. Я тоже согласилась, хотя немного устала, и хотелось отдохнуть. Ну куда же деваться. Они пошли в магазин, а домой. Быстро приняла душ, переоделась — одела топик с шортами. После душа почувствовала себя хорошо. Кое-что приготовила. К их приходу было почти все готово. Сели за стол, выпили за встречу, за армейских друзей и т. д. Мне вскоре надоело все это, и я предложила Вадиму потанцевать. Муж с Олегом все болтали и болтали, периодически выходя на балкон покурить. А мы танцевали медленные танцы, не взирая на звучащую музыку. Спиртное закончилось, мужики хотели продолжения. Выпито было уже много, но... Вадим сбегал еще в магазин. Вечер продолжался. Андрей с Олегом все пропадали на балконе, а мы все танцевали. Алкоголь действовал на всех и Вадим начал немного распускать руки — он стал во время танца опускать руки мне на попу. Я сначала просила его не делать так. Он делал вид, что не понимает. И тогда я стала его руку поднимать на талию. Такая игра продолжалась дальше и в конце концов мне надоело. Я оставила его руку на своей попе. Видя что я сдалась, он начал поглаживать ее и слегка мять. Когда закончился танец, я пошла на кухню. Накладывая в тарелку салат, услышала через открытое окно разговор мужа с Олегом. Разговор шел обо мне. Меня заинтересовал разговор, я приблизилась к окну, что бы лучше слышать. Но тут на кухню зашел Вадим и предложил помощь. Пришлось вместе с ним идти в комнату, и чем закончился разговор, так и не узнала. Мы стали опять танцевать. Была приятная медленная музыка, я обхватила Вадима за шею, закрыла глаза и положила голову ему на плечо. Он мне рассказывал какие-то истории на ухо, руки его хулиганили во всю — одно лежала на попке и слегка мяла ее. Другой он залез под топик и пытался его слегка приподнять. Мне его действия надоели, и я прекратила танцевать и села за стол. Через пару минут появились Андрей с Олегом. Мы опять стали выпивать. Тосты следовали один за другим. Андрей принес зачем-то камеру. Олег пошел курить на балкон, за ним отправился Вадим, хотя он вроде не курил. Затем опять выпили. Олег пригласил меня на танец. Во время танца рассказывал анекдоты, я смеялась. Почему-то мне тогда они казались очень смешными. Андрей начал снимать нас на камеру. Затем Олега сменил Вадим. Потом опять пили, опять танцевали. Во время танцев и Олег и Вадим уже в наглую мяли мои ягодицы. Я посмотрела искоса на Андрея, он все это снимал. Странно подумала я, не похоже на него. Раньше он таких вольностей не позволял. Я обхватила шею Олега, положила голову на плечо Меня стала немного заводить эта ситуация — меня в присутствие мужа уже во всю начали лапать! А он молчал! И более того — все это снимал на камеру! И вдруг я почувствовала, что сзади ко мне кто-то прижался. Я оказалась зажатой между двух мужчин, как в тисках. Я открыла глаза и слегка повернула голову, это был Вадим. Я опять посмотрела на Андрея он молча снимал все это. Я опять закрыла глаза и хотела положить голову на плечо Олега. Но тут наши губы встретились. И он начал меня целовать, я как не странно не отстранилась, а даже наоборот — ответила на его поцелуй. Руки Вадима оказались на моей груди, я ничего не могла сделать в данной ситуации. Затем они проникли под топик, у меня по коже пробежали мурашки! Затем топик стал подниматься вверх, и вот он находится где-то в районе подмышек. Его руки опять на моей груди и мне... очень приятно. Олег перестает меня целовать, берется за топик и начинает стаскивать его через голову. Я отпускаю его шею и позволяю ему его снять с меня. Вот я уже с голой грудью. Я бросаю взгляд на Андрея он молчит, он все снимает на камеру. А его руки слегка трясутся! Руки Олега поползли вниз, он расстегивает молнию и начинает снимать шорты в месте с трусиками. Они опускаются все и ниже. И вот они падают вниз к ступням. Я вынимаю из них одну ногу, а второй отбрасываю их в сторону. Олег опять начал меня целовать. И вот я стою, совершенна голая,  [ Incest] между двух мужиков и целуюсь с одним из них! Вадим одной рукой сжимает мою грудь, а другую спускает вниз по животу. Его рука уже в промежности. А муж молчит!!! Я слегка расставляю ноги по шире. Его пальцы уже там! Я запрокидываю голову назад и она оказывается на плече Вадима. Олег слегка давит мне на плечи, заставляю меня опуститься на корточки. И тут я вижу перед своим лицом его стоящий член! Когда же он успел его достать? Я искоса бросаю взгляд на мужа — он смотрит на нас вытаращив глаза. И тут я замечаю огромный бугор на месте паха. У него стоит! Я беру член Олега рукой, открываю рот и начинаю сосать. Вадим мнет мою грудь, затем берет мою вторую руку и кладет себе на член. Я выпускаю член Олега, поворачиваюсь сначала в сторону мужа, смотрю ему в глаза, а затем поворачиваюсь в Вадиму. У него член больше. Открываю рот и начинаю сосать уже его член. Олег поднимает меня, мне приходиться выпустить член Вадима изо рта. Берет меня на руки и несет в спальню. Кладет на кровать, раздвигает ноги и входит в меня. Свет в спальне зажигается и я вижу входящих Вадима и Андрея. Андрей все еще снимает происходящее. От того, что меня имеет Олег, а двое наблюдают, причем один из них мой муж я кончаю. Вскоре Олег стал кончать в меня. Разрядившись, уступил место Вадиму. Пока Вадим трахал меня. Я кончила несколько раз. Такого со мной еще никогда не было. Он тоже кончил в меня. И пошел в другую комнату. Я лежала на кровати обессиленная и не могла поверить тому, что произошло. Меня оттрахали два, почти не знакомых, мужика в присутствии мужа! И он даже слово не сказал! А мне было.. Пошла в ванну на ходу пытаясь его одеть. Олег не дал мне его одеть, забрал его и что-то сказал. Приняла душ, подмылась. Завернулась в полотенце и пошла обратно в комнату. Села за стол, Олег за руку потянул меня к себе. Я послушно села к нему на колени, он сдернул с меня полотенце. — Мне холодно. — Я тебя согрею. Он начал целовать грудь,  [ Сиськи] при этом, правая рука его через какое то мгновение была уже в моей промежности. Я опять захотела. — О! Да она уже снова хочет! Пойдем детка! И он повел меня в спальню. Я села на кровать, он приспусти брюки. Его член появился и он приставил его к моим губам. — Поработай, детка, ротиком! Я рукой взялась за его член, слегка приоткрыла рот, впустила часть головки и стала сосать. В голове у меня путались всякие мысли. За то время что я замужем, я делала минет мужу считанное количество раз. А сейчас я второй раз сосу член у мужика, с котором познакомилась пару часов назад. И мне это нравилось! Я все глубже заглатывала член, но тут Олег меня остановил: — Хватит. А то перестараешься. Повалил меня на кровать, я сама раздвинула ноги. В дверях появился Вадим и стал за нами наблюдать. От того что на меня смотрят, я страшно возбудилась. Когда Олег кончил, его место занял Вадим. Олег немного постоял и вышел из комнаты. Вадим трахал меня в довольно быстром темпе, я уже была на грани. И тут в комнате появился Андрей, подошел в плотную к кровати и уставился на меня. Под его пристальным взглядом я кончила. Вскоре кончил и Вадим, поднялся и вышел из комнаты. Андрей стоял и смотрел на меня, я лежала перед ним с раздвинутыми ногами. И вдруг неожиданно, для меня, достает член и вставляет в меня. После Вадима я его даже не почувствовала. Мужу много времени оказалось не нужно, почти сразу он стал кончать в меня. Он вышел из комнаты, сил вставать у меня не было. Я просунула руку между ног — из меня текла сперма, но идти в ванну не было сил. Из комнаты доносились голоса и смех. Я слышали их как в тумане. Вскоре в комнату зашел Олег, подошел ко мне. — Ты как? — ... — Я сейчас. Вскоре он опять появился с бокалом в руке, следом шел муж. — Выпей. Я приподнялась и выпила залпом бокал. Он что то сказал мужу, тот ушел. Когда вернулся, что-то отдал Олегу. Олег подошел ко мне, повернул меня на живот. Приподнял попу, раздвинул мои ноги. Что-то холодное уперлось в мою попку,  [ Сиськи] и следующее мгновения дикая боль пронзила меня. Я вскрикнула и попыталась лечь на живот. Но мне это не удалось. — Подложи ей под живот подушку. Муж моментально выполнил его просьбу. Теперь я лежала животом на подушке, попка была выставлена на встречу члену. Из моих глаз текли слезы. Олег вытащил член, и тут же резким движением вогнал его опять. Я не могла с него слезть, мне мешала подушка. Он проталкивал его в меня все дальше и дальше, затем замер. Через некоторое время он начал потихоньку делать движения вперед-назад. Тут появился Вадим и опустился на кровать рядом со мной. Олег вынул член из меня, убрал подушку. Вадим лег на спину, меня посадили на его член. Олег пристроила сверху и сзади, и опять засунул свой член в мою попу. Два члена одновременно двигались во мне, это было такое ощущение... Я еще никогда не испытывала такое... И тут я почувствовала член, который проник в мой открытый рот. Первым кончил Олег, затем муж. Они ушли в другую комнату. Вадим снял меня со своего члена и поставил раком. Приставил член к заднему проходу и надавил. Мне опять стало больно, я даже закричала. Но это его не остановило. Он проникал все глубже. Затем начал делать поступательные движения. Я выла от боли, затем прикусила руку. Когда он кончил и вышел из меня,  [ Lesbisch] я просто упала на кровать. Кто-то зашел в комнату постоял у кровати и вышел. Я лежала и размышляла о том, что сегодня со мной произошло. У меня сегодня было столько открытий! Я делала минет и мне это нравилось, меня оттрахали в попу, меня имели сразу два мужика и это мне тоже понравилось. Вернулись Олег с Вадимом. Вадим приподнял мою попу и опять начал меня туда трахать. Олег стоял и смотрел. Затем появился Андрей. Мне было больно и... приятно. Он кончил, его место занял Олег. Но после Вадима... Тогда он повернул меня к себе лицом и засунул мне член в рот. Взял меня за волосы и стал трахать в рот... Проснулась я поздно. Все болело. Андрей сидел у ноута и что-то смотрел. Увидев меня спросил: — Ты помнишь, что было вчера. — Не все. — Иди, посмотри. Он включил запись. Я смотрела и не верила глазам неужели это все было со мной? Мы долго молчали оба. А что было говорить. Вдруг он неожиданно спросил: — Тебе понравилось? — спросил я ее. Я немного помолчала и сказала: — Да! — Хочешь повторить? — Да. Если... ты не будешь против.
Fucking a wife in the presence of her husband<br>On Saturday we were returning with my husband from the beach. Near our house someone called out to him. It turned out to be his army friend Oleg and his mate, whose name is Vadim. It started as usual - how many years, how many winters. Andrei wanted to chat with Oleg, and he offered to come round to our house. Oleg and Vadim were in favour. I agreed too, though I was a bit tired and wanted to rest. Well, where could I go? They went to the shop, and home. I quickly took a shower, changed my clothes - I put on a top and shorts. After the shower I felt good. I cooked something. Almost everything was ready when they arrived. We sat down at the table, drank to the meeting, to army friends, etc. I soon got bored of it all, and I suggested dancing to Vadim. My husband and Oleg chatted and chatted, occasionally going out on the balcony to smoke. And we danced slow dances in spite of the music. The alcohol was over, the men wanted to continue. We had drunk a lot, but... Vadim ran to the shop. The evening continued. Andrei and Oleg all disappeared on the balcony, and we all danced. The alcohol was working on everyone and Vadim started to get a little loose - he started to put his hands on my bottom during the dance. I first asked him not to do that. He pretended not to understand. And then I started to raise his hand on my waist. This game went on and on and eventually I got bored. I left his hand on my arse. Seeing that I gave in, he started stroking it and kneading it a little. When the dance was over,  [ Lesbian] I went to the kitchen. Putting salad on my plate, I heard through the open window a conversation between my husband and Oleg. The conversation was about me. I was interested in the conversation, I moved closer to the window to hear better. But then Vadim came into the kitchen and offered to help. I had to go into the room with him, and I never learnt how the conversation ended. We started dancing again. There was pleasant slow music, I put my arms around Vadim's neck, closed my eyes and put my head on his shoulder. He was telling me some stories in my ear, his hands were hooliganising at full speed - one of them was lying on my bottom and lightly crumpling it. With the other he got under my top and tried to lift it slightly. I got tired of his actions, so I stopped dancing and sat down at the table. A couple of minutes later Andrei and Oleg appeared. We started drinking again. Toasts followed one after another. Andrei brought a camera for some reason. Oleg went to smoke on the balcony, followed by Vadim, though he didn't seem to smoke. Then we drank again. Oleg asked me to dance. During the dance he told me jokes, and I laughed. For some reason they seemed very funny to me at the time. Andrei started filming us. Then Oleg was replaced by Vadim. Then we drank again, danced again. During the dancing both Oleg and Vadim were cheekily squeezing my buttocks. I looked obliquely at Andrei, he was filming it all. Strange, I thought, not like him. He'd never taken such liberties before. I wrapped my arms around Oleg's neck and put my head on his shoulder. I was getting a little turned on by this situation - I was already being groped in my husband's presence! And he was silent! And what's more, he was filming it all! And suddenly I felt someone pressed against me from behind. I found myself squeezed between two men, as if in a vise. I opened my eyes and turned my head slightly, it was Vadim. I looked at Andrei again, he was silently filming the whole thing. I closed my eyes again and wanted to rest my head on Oleg's shoulder. But then our lips met. And he started kissing me, I strangely did not pull away, but even on the contrary - I answered his kiss. Vadim's hands were on my chest, I could not do anything in this situation. Then they penetrated under my top, I got goosebumps! Then the top began to rise up, and now it is somewhere in the armpit area. His hands are on my breasts again and I'm... it feels really good. Oleg stops kissing me, takes hold of my top and starts pulling it over my head. I let go of his neck and let him pull it off me. Here I am with bare breasts. I glance at Andrei, he's silent, he's filming everything. And his hands are shaking a little! Oleg's hands crawled down, he unzips and starts to remove my shorts and panties. They go lower and lower. And then they fall down to my feet. I take one leg out of them and with the other I toss them aside. Oleg starts kissing me again. And here I am standing, perfectly naked, between two men and kissing one of them! Vadim squeezes my breasts with one hand, and with the other hand he slides down my stomach. His hand is already in my crotch. And my husband is silent!!! I spread my legs a little wider. His fingers are already there. I throw my head back and it's on Vadim's shoulder. Oleg puts a little pressure on my shoulders, forcing me to squat down.<br>And then I see his cock standing in front of my face! When did he get it out? I glance at my husband and he's staring at us with his eyes wide open. And then I notice a huge lump where his groin is. He's hard! I take Oleg's cock with my hand, open my mouth and start sucking. Vadim rubs my breasts, then takes my other hand and puts it on his cock. I release Oleg's cock, turn first toward my husband, look him in the eye, and then turn to Vadim. He has a bigger cock. I open my mouth and start sucking his cock already. Oleg lifts me up,  [ Amatør] I have to let Vadim's cock out of my mouth. He takes me in his arms and carries me into the bedroom. He puts me on the bed, spreads my legs and enters me. The bedroom light comes on and I see Vadim and Andrei coming in. Andrei is still filming what is happening. The fact that Oleg is having me and the two are watching, one of them being my husband makes me cum. Soon Oleg started cumming inside me. Having discharged, he gave way to Vadim. While Vadim fucked me. I came several times. It had never happened to me before. He came inside me too. And went into the other room. I lay on the bed exhausted and couldn't believe what had happened. I'd been fucked by two men I hardly knew in front of my husband! And he didn't even say a word! And I was-- I went to the bathroom trying to put it on. Oleg didn't let me put it on, took it away and said something. I took a shower, washed up. Wrapped myself in a towel and went back to the room. I sat down at the table, Oleg pulled me to him by the hand. I obediently sat on his lap, he pulled off my towel. - I'm cold. - I'll warm you up. He started kissing my breasts, and after a moment his right hand was in my crotch. I want it again. - Oh! She wants it again! Come on, baby! And he took me into the bedroom. I sat on the bed, he pulled down his pants. His cock came out and he put it to my lips. - Work it, baby, with your mouth! I grasped his cock with my hand, opened my mouth slightly, let part of the head in and started sucking. My mind was jumbled with all sorts of thoughts. During the time I've been married, I've given a blowjob to my husband only a handful of times. And now I was sucking for the second time the cock of a man I'd met a couple hours ago. And I loved it! I was swallowing deeper and deeper, but Oleg stopped me: - Enough. Or you'll overdo it. He put me on the bed, and I spread my legs. Vadim appeared in the doorway and watched us. From being watched, I got terribly aroused. When Oleg came, Vadim took his place. Oleg stood for a while and left the room. Vadim fucked me at a fairly fast pace, I was already on the verge. And then Andrei appeared in the room, came close to the bed and stared at me. Under his gaze I cum. Soon Vadim cummed, got up and left the room. Andrei stood and looked at me, I was lying in front of him with my legs spread. And suddenly, unexpectedly, for me, he took out his cock and inserted it into me. After Vadim, I didn't even feel it. My husband did not need much time, almost immediately he began to cum in me. He left the room, I didn't have the strength to get up. I put my hand between my legs - cum was flowing out of me, but I didn't have the strength to go to the bathroom. There were voices and laughter coming from the room. I heard them as if in a fog. Soon Oleg came into the room, came up to me. - Are you okay? - ... - I'll be right back. Soon he reappeared with a glass in his hand, followed by my husband. - Drink. I got up and drank the glass in one gulp. He said something to my husband, who left. When he came back, he gave something to Oleg. Oleg came to me, turned me on my stomach. He lifted my ass, spread my legs. Something cold pressed into my ass, and the next moment a wild pain pierced me. I cried out and tried to lie on my stomach. But I couldn't. - Put a pillow under her belly. My husband instantly complied with his request. Now I was lying on my stomach on the pillow, my ass was exposed to meet his cock. Tears were flowing from my eyes. Oleg pulled his cock out, and immediately with a sharp movement drove it in again. I couldn't get off him, the pillow was in the way. He pushed it further and further into me, then stopped. After a while he began to make back and forth movements. Then Vadim appeared and sank down on the bed next to me. Oleg took his cock out of me, removed the pillow. Vadim lay on his back, I was placed on his cock. Oleg positioned himself on top and behind me, and put his cock in my ass again. Two dicks were moving inside me at the same time, it was such a sensation..... I've never felt like this before... And then I felt a cock that penetrated my open mouth. The first to cum was Oleg, then my husband. They went to another room. Vadim took me off his cock and put me on my back.<br>He put his dick to my anus and pressed down. It hurt again, and I even screamed. But that didn't stop him. He kept going deeper and deeper. Then he started to make progressive movements. I howled in pain, then bit my hand. When he was done and out of me, I just collapsed on the bed. Someone came into the room, stood by the bed and came out. I lay there thinking about what had happened to me today. I had so many discoveries today! I had given a blowjob and  [ Lesbijka] I liked it, I had been fucked in the ass, I had been fucked by two men at once and I liked that too. Oleg and Vadim came back. Vadim lifted my ass and started fucking me again. Oleg stood and watched. Then Andrei appeared. It hurt and... pleasurable. He cummed, Oleg took his place. But after Vadim... Then he turned me to face him and put his cock in my mouth. Took me by my hair and started fucking me in my mouth.... I woke up late. Everything hurt. Andrei was sitting at his laptop watching something. When he saw me he asked me: - "Do you remember what happened yesterday? - Not everything. - Come and see. He turned on the tape. I watched it and couldn't believe my eyes. Was it really all happening to me? We were both silent for a long time. There was nothing to say. Suddenly he suddenly asked: - Did you like it? - I asked her. I was quiet for a while and said: - Yes! - Do you want to do it again? - Yes. If, uh. you don't mind.

Revisi per 11 September 2024 02.13

Fucking a wife in the presence of her husband
On Saturday we were returning with my husband from the beach. Near our house someone called out to him. It turned out to be his army friend Oleg and his mate, whose name is Vadim. It started as usual - how many years, how many winters. Andrei wanted to chat with Oleg, and he offered to come round to our house. Oleg and Vadim were in favour. I agreed too, though I was a bit tired and wanted to rest. Well, where could I go? They went to the shop, and home. I quickly took a shower, changed my clothes - I put on a top and shorts. After the shower I felt good. I cooked something. Almost everything was ready when they arrived. We sat down at the table, drank to the meeting, to army friends, etc. I soon got bored of it all, and I suggested dancing to Vadim. My husband and Oleg chatted and chatted, occasionally going out on the balcony to smoke. And we danced slow dances in spite of the music. The alcohol was over, the men wanted to continue. We had drunk a lot, but... Vadim ran to the shop. The evening continued. Andrei and Oleg all disappeared on the balcony, and we all danced. The alcohol was working on everyone and Vadim started to get a little loose - he started to put his hands on my bottom during the dance. I first asked him not to do that. He pretended not to understand. And then I started to raise his hand on my waist. This game went on and on and eventually I got bored. I left his hand on my arse. Seeing that I gave in, he started stroking it and kneading it a little. When the dance was over, Lesbian I went to the kitchen. Putting salad on my plate, I heard through the open window a conversation between my husband and Oleg. The conversation was about me. I was interested in the conversation, I moved closer to the window to hear better. But then Vadim came into the kitchen and offered to help. I had to go into the room with him, and I never learnt how the conversation ended. We started dancing again. There was pleasant slow music, I put my arms around Vadim's neck, closed my eyes and put my head on his shoulder. He was telling me some stories in my ear, his hands were hooliganising at full speed - one of them was lying on my bottom and lightly crumpling it. With the other he got under my top and tried to lift it slightly. I got tired of his actions, so I stopped dancing and sat down at the table. A couple of minutes later Andrei and Oleg appeared. We started drinking again. Toasts followed one after another. Andrei brought a camera for some reason. Oleg went to smoke on the balcony, followed by Vadim, though he didn't seem to smoke. Then we drank again. Oleg asked me to dance. During the dance he told me jokes, and I laughed. For some reason they seemed very funny to me at the time. Andrei started filming us. Then Oleg was replaced by Vadim. Then we drank again, danced again. During the dancing both Oleg and Vadim were cheekily squeezing my buttocks. I looked obliquely at Andrei, he was filming it all. Strange, I thought, not like him. He'd never taken such liberties before. I wrapped my arms around Oleg's neck and put my head on his shoulder. I was getting a little turned on by this situation - I was already being groped in my husband's presence! And he was silent! And what's more, he was filming it all! And suddenly I felt someone pressed against me from behind. I found myself squeezed between two men, as if in a vise. I opened my eyes and turned my head slightly, it was Vadim. I looked at Andrei again, he was silently filming the whole thing. I closed my eyes again and wanted to rest my head on Oleg's shoulder. But then our lips met. And he started kissing me, I strangely did not pull away, but even on the contrary - I answered his kiss. Vadim's hands were on my chest, I could not do anything in this situation. Then they penetrated under my top, I got goosebumps! Then the top began to rise up, and now it is somewhere in the armpit area. His hands are on my breasts again and I'm... it feels really good. Oleg stops kissing me, takes hold of my top and starts pulling it over my head. I let go of his neck and let him pull it off me. Here I am with bare breasts. I glance at Andrei, he's silent, he's filming everything. And his hands are shaking a little! Oleg's hands crawled down, he unzips and starts to remove my shorts and panties. They go lower and lower. And then they fall down to my feet. I take one leg out of them and with the other I toss them aside. Oleg starts kissing me again. And here I am standing, perfectly naked, between two men and kissing one of them! Vadim squeezes my breasts with one hand, and with the other hand he slides down my stomach. His hand is already in my crotch. And my husband is silent!!! I spread my legs a little wider. His fingers are already there. I throw my head back and it's on Vadim's shoulder. Oleg puts a little pressure on my shoulders, forcing me to squat down.
And then I see his cock standing in front of my face! When did he get it out? I glance at my husband and he's staring at us with his eyes wide open. And then I notice a huge lump where his groin is. He's hard! I take Oleg's cock with my hand, open my mouth and start sucking. Vadim rubs my breasts, then takes my other hand and puts it on his cock. I release Oleg's cock, turn first toward my husband, look him in the eye, and then turn to Vadim. He has a bigger cock. I open my mouth and start sucking his cock already. Oleg lifts me up, Amatør I have to let Vadim's cock out of my mouth. He takes me in his arms and carries me into the bedroom. He puts me on the bed, spreads my legs and enters me. The bedroom light comes on and I see Vadim and Andrei coming in. Andrei is still filming what is happening. The fact that Oleg is having me and the two are watching, one of them being my husband makes me cum. Soon Oleg started cumming inside me. Having discharged, he gave way to Vadim. While Vadim fucked me. I came several times. It had never happened to me before. He came inside me too. And went into the other room. I lay on the bed exhausted and couldn't believe what had happened. I'd been fucked by two men I hardly knew in front of my husband! And he didn't even say a word! And I was-- I went to the bathroom trying to put it on. Oleg didn't let me put it on, took it away and said something. I took a shower, washed up. Wrapped myself in a towel and went back to the room. I sat down at the table, Oleg pulled me to him by the hand. I obediently sat on his lap, he pulled off my towel. - I'm cold. - I'll warm you up. He started kissing my breasts, and after a moment his right hand was in my crotch. I want it again. - Oh! She wants it again! Come on, baby! And he took me into the bedroom. I sat on the bed, he pulled down his pants. His cock came out and he put it to my lips. - Work it, baby, with your mouth! I grasped his cock with my hand, opened my mouth slightly, let part of the head in and started sucking. My mind was jumbled with all sorts of thoughts. During the time I've been married, I've given a blowjob to my husband only a handful of times. And now I was sucking for the second time the cock of a man I'd met a couple hours ago. And I loved it! I was swallowing deeper and deeper, but Oleg stopped me: - Enough. Or you'll overdo it. He put me on the bed, and I spread my legs. Vadim appeared in the doorway and watched us. From being watched, I got terribly aroused. When Oleg came, Vadim took his place. Oleg stood for a while and left the room. Vadim fucked me at a fairly fast pace, I was already on the verge. And then Andrei appeared in the room, came close to the bed and stared at me. Under his gaze I cum. Soon Vadim cummed, got up and left the room. Andrei stood and looked at me, I was lying in front of him with my legs spread. And suddenly, unexpectedly, for me, he took out his cock and inserted it into me. After Vadim, I didn't even feel it. My husband did not need much time, almost immediately he began to cum in me. He left the room, I didn't have the strength to get up. I put my hand between my legs - cum was flowing out of me, but I didn't have the strength to go to the bathroom. There were voices and laughter coming from the room. I heard them as if in a fog. Soon Oleg came into the room, came up to me. - Are you okay? - ... - I'll be right back. Soon he reappeared with a glass in his hand, followed by my husband. - Drink. I got up and drank the glass in one gulp. He said something to my husband, who left. When he came back, he gave something to Oleg. Oleg came to me, turned me on my stomach. He lifted my ass, spread my legs. Something cold pressed into my ass, and the next moment a wild pain pierced me. I cried out and tried to lie on my stomach. But I couldn't. - Put a pillow under her belly. My husband instantly complied with his request. Now I was lying on my stomach on the pillow, my ass was exposed to meet his cock. Tears were flowing from my eyes. Oleg pulled his cock out, and immediately with a sharp movement drove it in again. I couldn't get off him, the pillow was in the way. He pushed it further and further into me, then stopped. After a while he began to make back and forth movements. Then Vadim appeared and sank down on the bed next to me. Oleg took his cock out of me, removed the pillow. Vadim lay on his back, I was placed on his cock. Oleg positioned himself on top and behind me, and put his cock in my ass again. Two dicks were moving inside me at the same time, it was such a sensation..... I've never felt like this before... And then I felt a cock that penetrated my open mouth. The first to cum was Oleg, then my husband. They went to another room. Vadim took me off his cock and put me on my back.
He put his dick to my anus and pressed down. It hurt again, and I even screamed. But that didn't stop him. He kept going deeper and deeper. Then he started to make progressive movements. I howled in pain, then bit my hand. When he was done and out of me, I just collapsed on the bed. Someone came into the room, stood by the bed and came out. I lay there thinking about what had happened to me today. I had so many discoveries today! I had given a blowjob and Lesbijka I liked it, I had been fucked in the ass, I had been fucked by two men at once and I liked that too. Oleg and Vadim came back. Vadim lifted my ass and started fucking me again. Oleg stood and watched. Then Andrei appeared. It hurt and... pleasurable. He cummed, Oleg took his place. But after Vadim... Then he turned me to face him and put his cock in my mouth. Took me by my hair and started fucking me in my mouth.... I woke up late. Everything hurt. Andrei was sitting at his laptop watching something. When he saw me he asked me: - "Do you remember what happened yesterday? - Not everything. - Come and see. He turned on the tape. I watched it and couldn't believe my eyes. Was it really all happening to me? We were both silent for a long time. There was nothing to say. Suddenly he suddenly asked: - Did you like it? - I asked her. I was quiet for a while and said: - Yes! - Do you want to do it again? - Yes. If, uh. you don't mind.